Racist Biden and Vaccines

Same thing I said whenever Greta complained, they would find a way to blast capitalism no matter what.

In this case, government got out of the way, provided funding, and multiple companies developed vaccines. So now we are greedy aholes.

But, if the government had doubled down on control, provided funding, and fewer companies developed vaccines, at a slower pace, they would complain that capitalism didnt provide enough.

This is one of their prebuilt no win situations.
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Timothy Harris, prime minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, said in an interview with The Washington Post that India had stepped in to aid his and other Caribbean nations with thousands of doses.
“But from the United States, disappointedly, we have not had one dose of vaccines,” he said. “Not one dose.”

Knowing the current condition of India, what business do they have in exporting vaccines and why should our country be criticized for not being more like them? As usual this WaPost article is totally one sided.

There are advantages to being "rich". We are going to take care of our own first. We need not apologize for that. I do agree that we should have released our AZ stockpile a long time ago, probably to Canada, since we'll never need it
It's our own fault that we've created this perception that we'll solve all the world's problems, free of charge. How much you want to bet these other countries would bitch if we offered to sell our surplus vaccine at cost to them because "humanitarianism".

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