Raleigh Quotes after Today's Game...



Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
"I think we did a lot of good things this year. We were one of the top fielding teams in the conference and scored a lot of runs. I think we were a really well-rounded team. Sometimes you get really, really close, but if you don't pitch well enough you won't win. We were certainly a lot better this year. Going into last weekend, we were tied for seventh and either of the last two games this weekend could have gone either way. Nothing went our way this weekend, but I don't think we're that far off."

Don't even know what to think...the "we're not that far off" quote he's been saying after every loss for the past 2 years is legendary... the "nothing went our way" line is also very Raleigh-esque...it's just amazing that Hamilton hired this clown in the first place

How do you have any sort of respect for this guy Hobock?
Intelligence is certainly not one of his strong points.

I love this quote: "Going into last weekend, we were tied for seventh and either of the last two games this weekend could have gone either way".

LOL....you lost your last 5 SEC games to choke away a spot in Hoover. He forgot to point out that part out. What a moron!
John Adams wrote an article on Raleigh's status...some more classic Raleigh quotes

"We have some great recruits coming in, and I think we will be able to shore up those pitchers," he said." I think (next season) will be a whole different story."

Raleigh traces the pitching woes, in part, to injuries incurred by his freshman pitchers. He also referenced previous recruiting. "When we got here, we had no freshman pitchers," Raleigh said. "Not one. Zero."

The "just one more year" card and "I didn't come into a good situation" card...Todd...it's year 3...how many times do we have to go through this? What a disgrace

I don't. THE TROLL is a dunce. :good!:

Wow! You've been tenacious with the TROLL stuff, McCleverstein. I evidently struck a nerve with my Rainman/Keats comment.:) Im sorry I hurt your feelings. Things are starting to look brighter for you, McCleverstein. You are posting in English. One step at a time! :)
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Raleigh needs to go because he had one of the most talented teams and couldn't get to Hoover. He constantly throws hit pitchers under the bus when he is constantly in their heads. Every one of our pitchers are afraid to fail on the mound --- they pitch tight and scared because they don't want to be the next recipient of TR's rants...or even worse...throws you off the team. His pitch calling is predictable and just plain wrong in many situations. The pitchers have no ability to shake off a pitch even when they know it is the wrong call. He also has some serious personality defect. Personal attacks, threats to kick players off the team, etc. just keep players from doing their best. The bottom line is he is just not a good coach on any level. Recruiting is suffering because everyone knows about CTR and players and parents don't want any part of this man's tactics.
getting swept by Bammer at home sucks. Sucks more to do it and they get in 7th place in tourney while UT left out...Sucks more if you live in Hoover, as I do, and wanted to go watch UT in the tourney and instead have to read paper and watch TV down here how Bammer won 5 in a row to get in, UT lost and Bammer kept us out.
Raleigh blamed last year's losses on pitching too! Then, he fired one of the best pitching coaches in the country. He hired a "yes" guy who just does what CTR dictates. Now he is blaming pitching again. Is he going to fire the pitching coach again?
I don't think I've ever disliked a coach as much as I do Raleigh...I can't stand him one bit


Obviously you have never met...no, Rolly's more unbearable than him...oh, then there's...no, no, not even close to as despicable...


OK, you right.


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