Ranked 12th most loyal fanbase?



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2013
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That Bleacher Report would make me click on the "Next" arrow 128 times to get to my Vols says it all.

They suck.

PS Fix your link. ;-)

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OBXVol, thanks. I don't know why I posted the link to the other article by accident. I believe I fixed it.
It's easy to be loyal when your team is winning. The fact that we are still here with the current turmoil of UT is evidence enough that we are a great fanbase.
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I disagree with ranking Alabama no. 1 in fan loyalty. Yes, their core fanbase is as loyal as anybody and the attendance they have for some of their spring games is ample testimony to the fervor associated with Alabama football. Going all the way back to the Bear Bryant era, however, I have never seen any university with a bigger bandwagon contingent. Where did the loyalty of these Alabama fans go during the years prior to Saban's tenure? If you don't take into account something as obvious as their bandwagon followers, how do you expect to measure something as amorphous as fan loyalty?
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I disagree with ranking Alabama no. 1 in fan loyalty. Yes, their core fanbase is as loyal as anybody and the attendance they have for some of their spring games is ample testimony to the fervor associated with Alabama football. Going all the way back to the Bear Bryant era, however, I have never seen any university with a bigger bandwagon contingent. Where did the loyalty of these Alabama fans go during the years prior to Saban's tenure? If you don't take into account something as obvious as their bandwagon followers, how do you expect to measure something as amorphous as fan loyalty?

I'm unfortunately pressed to live in the forsaken state of Alabama and it's honestly depressing that I know more about Alabama's history than most of these "hardcore" fans.

And I'm not even 30. There are legitimately people who are bama fans who don't know a thing about Bear Bryant outside of the houndstooth. I have a begrudging respect for the actual fans (i.e. the ones who were around before Saban) but the ones who bandwagonned on were likely ones who also have a Tebow jersey hanging up in their closet... among other things.
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All Vol fans still hanging in there after the last five years are definitely loyal.
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we are the best fanbase. the only reason we get all worked up so easily is because we love the Vols so much and we as a fanbase demand perfection, we do not settle for mediocrity
This member of the fan base was smart enough to change the URL to jump directly to the top 10. When I didn't find us there, I just backed up until I found us at #12, so I didn't have to look at the other 125 teams with "next, next" crap.

BleacherReport is generally pretty good and I'm glad we are ahead of Georgia and South Carolina even though both those teams have been having their way with us for some time.

but that will change in the next 5 years.

we hope.
We burn mattresses after coach screws us. If that doesn't show how passionate we are then I'm not sure what will. After soo many losing seasons we still have a lot of fans go and support our team. We deserve to be higher.
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12th? Are you kidding? Look at all the crap we've endured and we're still here. Lets see how many of those "loyal" bama fans are around when they experience something like we have
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There are many teams with strong, loyal fanbases. Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Nebraska, Penn State, Georgia...just the ones off the top of my head. I find it hard to rank something like this. Oh well, Tennessee will always be no. 1 in my book. :]
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Bama being #1 is a compete joke. I had a feeling they would be so I scrolled through all those pages to see. I live in Chattanooga and this area is (currently) saturated with Bama fans and loyal is certainly not how I would describe the overwhelming majority of them.
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All Vol fans still hanging in there after the last five years are definitely loyal.

I've been loyal many years more that 5 years. When I have left Neyland Stadium the last 5 years, it's been tough. A loss lingers much longer that the thrill of victory. Maybe when we rise again, we loyal ones will be more appreciative of what it takes to reach the top. I've always felt sorry for anyone who is not a Vol fan.
I agree with everybody that says Bama doesn't have the most loyal fan base. It's disgusting how all of a sudden Bama crap started popping up widespread in this part of the state when they started winning again, especially with the females. I understand there are fans of every team in different parts of the country, but s**t it's obvious what's going on around here.

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