Ranking this years stadiums



Sick 'em Smokey
Oct 2, 2008
This link ranks how the stadiums have been over recent years. I know I bleed orange and love my state but tell me, there's no way Neyland ranks this low REGARDLESS of our down seasons. But I do have to agree, that at its best, the passion and tradition at Neyland rivals for the best in the SEC!

SEC Football Stadiums | Saturday Down South

What do you think? Fair or False?
Fair for now........What have the first 5 stadiums had that Neyland hasn't had recently? Home team wins.
It really go to show when you see list like this what exactly Butch Jones is trying to do. He not trying to just rebuild a football program it's so much more than that. It's a tradition, it's history, it's a passion, and a way of life. Anybody that walks out of Neyland is going to know they have been some place special.

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