
Those are some goofy rankings... There are few, that have teams where I think they should be, but others are wayyyy off.
yeah, that one is definitely way off.....I haven't seen us ranked outside the top 8 or 10 in any of the polls that are out....And that was has us 15th? That's crazy....
Revisit the site and look at the composit rankings from 1993 - 2004. I think that will make you happy.

:eek:k: :yahoo: :victory: :good: :thumbsup: :rock:
Originally posted by KentheOrange@Aug 11, 2005 12:02 AM
Revisit the site and look at the composit rankings from 1993 - 2004.  I think that will make you happy.

:eek:k:    :yahoo:  :victory:  :good:  :thumbsup:  :rock:

That is nice isn't it?

i cant believe the congrove rankings have our SOS 29!! what other 28 teams have a tougher schedule than ours??
North Carolina for one... Their schedule is absolutely insane. I think they should deserve bowl eligibility if they win 4 games.

@ Georgia Tech
@ NC State
@ Louisville
@ Miami
Boston College
@ Virginia Tech
It will be interesting to see how tough NC's schedule is at the end of the year.

I'm not sure if Utah, BC, Maryland and even Louisville will be as tough as they look before the season starts. Utah in particular has had some key personnel losses (QB and Coach).

No doubt it is a tough schedule with no let-up games (except for Duke) but with the exception of Miami and Wisconsin, the rest of the teams are perennial middle-of-the-packers (7 win teams).
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Aug 10, 2005 11:23 PM
That is nice isn't it?


Good freakin' point! Number 2 is pretty nice...

I'm guessing our SOS is low b/c Florida isn't in the top 25. Most of us count on that game as a tough one.
Originally posted by volinbham@Aug 11, 2005 3:34 PM
It will be interesting to see how tough NC's schedule is at the end of the year.

I'm not sure if Utah, BC, Maryland and even Louisville will be as tough as they look before the season starts.  Utah in particular has had some key personnel losses (QB and Coach).

No doubt it is a tough schedule with no let-up games (except for Duke) but with the exception of Miami and Wisconsin, the rest of the teams are perennial middle-of-the-packers (7 win teams).

Utah will still be in the hunt for the Mountain West, and that conference seems to be the toughest of the mid-majors (and the Big East) for whatever that's worth.

Louisville will be fine, next to USC, they have the best shot at going undefeated. Their offense returns eight starters, as well as Brian Brohm. They shouldn't skip a beat, look for them to still be averagin over 40 ppg. We all remember the scare they gave Miami last season. Even if their defense doesn't fare quite as well, nobody on their schedule can put up enough points to outscore them.

Who knows how Wisconsin will do, but I think everybody remembers that they were going off on their opponnents until mid-november when they had that losing streak. But they came back played Georgia real close in the Outback Bowl.

As for the rest if the ACC, the conference is truly a toss-up right now. Duke is the only real weak team in the whole conference, and Wake Forest is kind of weak but not terrible. Except for Duke, WF and NC, anybody in that conference has at least a reasonable shot at being division champs.

Ain't no two ways about it, North Carolina's schedule is crazy.
That is too funny. I hope those guys find work next year... Are they using that Pythagorean thinga-ma-jiggy... You know, where you square the number of drinks sold in all the games and square it and divide the product of the number of drinks unsold squared and the number of Clorox bottles used to wash the uniforms squared to get a winning percentage?
The thing about Wisconsin is Alvarez is retiring at the end of the season... I always thought that woul make a team play tougher, but who knows... UNLV just plain gave up last year knowing that Robinson was leaving.

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