Recruiting Football Talk VII

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Happy Thursday everyone.

April 25, 2024: Quiet your soul and listen for My direction to settle old issues that keep you from advancing spiritually. There are issues that you must face and deal with before you can advance. There needs to be a cleansing of your conscience before you can live in perfect peace and harmony with Me and others, says the Lord. Romans 12:17-18 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men
I'm guessing the same person taught you both math and science.
Yeah, one person taught me my whole life. There is truth in being facetious. I'm guessing you took a useless degree in college and I had to pay off your loans. Never trust anyone under thirty (actually forty).
I really need to use blue font more. I have a B.S. in mathematics and physics and two masters. I can count to five. And they just invented AI the other day. They have been making up dinosaurs and adding years to the age of the earth on their own for years. It was a joke.
Excuse me! Part-Southern?

She assimilated pretty quickly. She sounds more Southern than me (I don't really have an accent, though) until she gets mad and then her accent switches to South Boston.

It was almost an Exorcist type moment the first time she did it, lol. I laughed so hard that it pissed her off even more. She went back to a TN twang shortly after.
What’s the thoughts on the Lady Vol transfers?
Both commits so far appear to be athletic upgrades (compared to current roster). Replacing RJ production will be near impossible, but Jewel Spear should be better utilized in this new offensive scheme and defense and rebounding should be better. If they can cut TOs in half and not spot the other team a free 10-12 points a game they will automatically add 4-5 more wins to the record.
My son had a pretty bad HS/groin pull almost two years ago when making a tackle in football…. It took 3-4 months before he could play sports again. He can do all weight training that has to do with his legs…. Does great with box jumps… The only issue is when he runs…. you can tell he has difficulty with that right leg…. Does anyone have any ideas on what to try?
Have him see an Orthopedic Sports Medicine doc. May have cam impingement of the hip. He could also have a hip labral tear. Iliopsoas bursitis or tendinitis.

First, take him to a PT, make sure hip adductors are equally flexible to the opposite side and with full range of motion.
Same thing for hip abductors, hamstrings and especially the Iliopsoas muscle. With a big injury to a muscle, significant muscle tightness can cause subsequent pain and disfunction.

Hopefully this will help.
Very true, can be some big swings for me across each of their different expressions. Fortaleza, Tequila Ocho, El Tesoro and G4 are the best ones I’ve had. I have loved every single Ocho I’ve been able to get my hands on (which isn’t many)
Yeah only blanco and repo for me so far. We are supposed to be getting some anejo and extra anejo but they haven’t showed up yet.

El Tesoro is very hard to get here so I haven’t had the pleasure of it yet 🙁
I was listening to Dave Hooker this morning and Caleb Calhoun said Jerry and his family are starting to pour a lot of money into the Arkansas football program. He actually said he could see Kiffin going there and winning a national championship 😂😂😂😂😂
Kiffin has a better chance of going to Dallas and winning a Super Bowl. He's not that good. He would probably be better sober.
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