Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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The most beautiful woman to ever live, imo.

I don’t want him to worry about what we need.... he needs to just be working to create a winning program bc that is all that matters..... my kids are very heavy into sports..... I teach them about mental toughness all the’s the number one skill that I feel an athlete must develop.... I think a lot of our fans need to improve their mental toughness.
Our fans need to improve our "mental toughness"? Are you freakin kidding me? We have the toughest die hard fans in all of sports.

Anybody still left on this wagon after getting gutted over and over and over and over for the last 15 years deserves respect, not insults.
What does it say to you personally? I think I thought pretty much the same thing he did and I posted about it yesterday.

And by the way, posting about your twitter project this morning I thought was out of line. @Freak probably didn't intend for you to use his site to lure away clicks to your own. We have our own game threads here on VN. It helps to pay the rent. It's pretty slimy to try to use @Freak that way. It's like going into another man's business and robbing his till right out in the open. jmo.

I’m really confused as to how mentioning a Twitter account ,that’s not even made yet, is some evil plot to destroy VN. No one is building a message board or fan forum. Twitter is an established social media website that probably 95% of users on here already use. The two aren’t connected.

Also, I have posted probably 20 different interesting Twitter follows on here for people who are interested in learning more about the game of football in general. Never heard you say a word about any of them?
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