Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I wouldn't call it an obsession, he mentioned once and since the local media always ask/brings it up when he mentions it again.

He also mentioned the text your buddy thing, it's been poked fun at and he's reference again. Dude has a sense of humor and is willing to lean into the jokes at his own expense. I'd love to work for that kind of AD/Boss, he has a fantastic personality.
Hey I wish him well just as I have every AD and Coach at my University.
But someone should let him know just how raw our nerves are because of rank incompetence by our Administration for over15 years.
he should be happy that there are any fans left whether we bitch and moan or not.
I know a lot of Vol fans that are not as passionate as I am that have checked out.
How about 5 Hayeks...

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