I'm almost there. Barring this completely inept, incompetent, corrupt, gutless and irresponsible administration connecting on a Hail Mary, I don't think I have the stomach to endure next season.
If it's Dorean. Done.
If it's Tee, I wish him well.
If it's Morris, good luck.
If it's Fulmer, God's speed.
If it's Kiffin, you get what's coming to you. (Hi Nu'keese)
I love this school but to say it's disfunctional would be a fundamental understatement. I'm afraid the damage might be irreversible...we're currently looking down the barrel of the third installment of a 4-5 year repeating cycle.
I have no faith in anyone at the school. None.
I'm not done yet. I'll wait to see who's hired. But...I might free up my Saturday's for family or something that brings me joy, because this program is a cancer and we're all watching it metastasize. The only thing left to do is cut it out completely...