Remove Barnes From The List

Yeah he wasn't really on my list in the first place. But another coach from texas is.............................
Again, I don't think it necesarily means anything. He very well may stay at Texas but I don't see how he could or would say anything different at this point.
wait untill the end of this month. then we will see what he says.
The suspense is already killing me. Are we setting ourselves up for a letdown?
we might be. I'm keeping my options open. As long we don;t get an assistant coach, and get someone that has taken their school to the ncaas regulary, I will be happy. Please oh Please bring in someone who can recruit.
Just say it Freak, you want Knight more than anything. I know if Bobby Knight asked me to give him $ 100 a week for him to come to tennessee, I would go find a job. I want him here more than anything. The sucess he can give our Basket ball program is just priceless. just think, Summit, Fulmer, and Knight. that is pretty good. We will have one of the best mens coaches ever ( top 2 or 3), and the best wemons coach ever.

It might even make me get excited about mens basketball.
I'll admit it. Until someone can convine me their is a better candidate out there, I want Knight. BAD. I think we may be setting ourselves up for disappointment though.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Mar 16, 2005 11:42 PM
I think we may be setting ourselves up for disappointment though.

Yep, but you never know. If he doesn't come, it was fun talking about it. If he does, we will be really happy.....most of us anyway.
I'm telling you guys...Knight is Hamilton's to lose at this point. He contacted UT...despite the reports that it was the other way around. As far as his interview last night, so what? I mean when has he ever been one to give a straight answer that didn't have some sort of a twist to it (except to Connie Chung)? He could have been talking about Hiwassee in the interview and when questioned later he could say that..."I never said I wasn't interested in UT." We'll see, but when the smoke clears, Knight is Great Pumpkin #2.
If you are looking at anyone who has a team in the tournament at this point you might as well talk to the wall because every one of them will say the same thing, and they should.

Right now they need to be focused on the tourney, as does their team.

Might as well forget it until a team is out and then their coach might say what he really thinks!
You cannot read much into the statements of Knight or Barnes at this point. But in about two weeks I would guess there will be a news confrence at TN and hopefully one of those two will be putt'in on the ORANGE!

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