Replay on ESPNU tonite



Senior Member
Aug 12, 2005
Just checked the listings. Replay of UT-UGA is on ESPNU at 8:00 tonite. (Direct TV channel 609)
(I'll watch with stereo set on "karaoke" to hear the crowd and still filter out Mike Patrick's big mouth. I don't think I can take that again.)
To be honest, with Mike Patrick it is a miracle that he can speak...he had a stroke summer of '05. He's had to do a lot of rehab.
But I do agree you can only take him for so long.
i just dont understand where they find these guys
seems everytime UT is on tv the announcers are just waiting for tennessee to screw up and it shows in how they cover the game
i didnt know about the patrick stroke kinda makes me feel bad now:dry: but they really got on my last nerve last night.:BANGHEAD2: espn in general has really gone downhill in the last 5 years.maybe someone will approach mike slive the sec commish. and want to start a SEC network that would be sweet:rock:
Cool. Dish Network is having a free preview of ESPNU this weekend. I'll catch parts of it again between baseball and the Steelers/Chargers game. Thanks for the heads up.
I dont know if this has been posted already, but the game was shown this morning on espn classic as the game of the week.

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