Republicans Hate Children and Want to Kill Them

More children are killed in the US each day than in any other place on the planet.

Add up the kids that are aborted to the kids that are born to single mother families and add that 80% of the total of kids that are in the public school systems...
More children are killed in the US each day than in any other place on the planet.

Add up the kids that are aborted to the kids that are born to single mother families and add that 80% of the total of kids that are in the public school systems...

As for gross numbers, India and Russia; per capita, look to the nations in sub-Saharan Africa.

Seriously, man, most ignorant post I've seen in a long time.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
More children are killed in the US each day than in any other place on the planet.

Add up the kids that are aborted to the kids that are born to single mother families and add that 80% of the total of kids that are in the public school systems...

single mother families and aborted fetuses being tallied together in a thread about dying children. That's some powerful logic you're throwing down.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
All about helping people, but in tough times charity should start at home.
Two things about this "finding" from the USAID official:

1. Any number of first world countries are responsible for the death of children around the world because they could be giving more.

2. We are completely screwed. If this is the logic we will face when addressing any budget cuts we will never cut the budget.
Could save a bunch of money if we can figure out how to convert children into oil.
Do you think the babies jump when the DR. Takes a tube and sucks it's brain out? America is going to half to answer for a lot of crap.
Do you think the babies jump when the DR. Takes a tube and sucks it's brain out? America is going to half to answer for a lot of crap.

Do you think America is the only country where abortions are committed?

Do you think that they are committed in a more humane manner elsewhere?
I think it is a sin in it's purest form.

So we are legislating morality now?

Also, this is in no way a defense of your earlier statement that "America is going to half[sic] to answer for a lot of crap!"

The abortion rate in America is pretty low (21%). Europe's is pegged at 28%; Africa and Asia are at least at 31%, if not higher. The ironic thing is, abortions are illegal in most African and Asian countries.

As I have stated before, criminalizing abortions will not make them go away.
So we are legislating morality now?

Also, this is in no way a defense of your earlier statement that "America is going to half[sic] to answer for a lot of crap!"

The abortion rate in America is pretty low (21%). Europe's is pegged at 28%; Africa and Asia are at least at 31%, if not higher. The ironic thing is, abortions are illegal in most African and Asian countries.

As I have stated before, criminalizing abortions will not make them go away.

Do you support abortion? Do you think it's ok for women to kill there babies , for whatever reason?
Do you support abortion?

I would not spend my own money for it.

Do you think it's ok for women to kill there babies , for whatever reason?

Let's change a few words here:

"there" to "their"


"babies" to "fetuses".

As long as I am not paying for it and the science is still inconclusive, I do not object.
I would not spend my own money for it.

Let's change a few words here:

"there" to "their"


"babies" to "fetuses".

As long as I am not paying for it and the science is still inconclusive, I do not object.

Let's not.
Let's not.

Regardless of your moral stance, changing the definition of words is not the way to go about debating your views.

Baby: (1) an extremely young child; especially : infant (2) : an extremely young animal

Fetus: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth.
I would not spend my own money for it.

Let's change a few words here:

"there" to "their"


"babies" to "fetuses".

As long as I am not paying for it and the science is still inconclusive, I do not object.
Is it safe to say you don't believe in the bible or Jesus as God?
Sometimes I struggle with why My Lord would love someone like you just as much as me. I'm like this guy is no way loveable. He is a ass in how he always puts down christains, believes in the gay rights stuff. i EVEN THINK HE'S A MUSLIM. ( jUST KIDDIN) The thing is that he will never give up on you. That is a God I can trust in.

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