Results Of The UT - UK Game.

How will the UT-UK game end?

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Oct 23, 2003
I'm saying we lose in a squeaker or upset the Cats.

I know...I know....

Hope springs eternal.

I'm sitting in a UK Law class in an orange sweatsuit right now. I just hope the Vols don't get killed tonight. With UK having already won the SEC and UT having nothing to lose, except maybe Buzz, it just might be a close game. I think he'll get another year though. We don't want to risk losing recruits at a time when so many top recruits are located in-state. And I really am a serious student, but the Vols are in town tonight.
With nothing to lose, I'm going to say we win in a VERY close one.....Nothing to lose, why not go all out??
Similar circumstances 10 or so years ago. We lost like 101-40 or something.

I love the VOLS but we'll get CRUSHED.

I love my VOLS but I have to agree with volmanjr...Cats win by the spread! 14 1/2. YIKES!
We are 1 - 24 playing UK at Rupp since 1980. So I give us 1/24th of a chance!
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Mar 2, 2005 1:07 PM
Similar circumstances 10 or so years ago. We lost like 101-40 or something.

I love the VOLS but we'll get CRUSHED.

I was just talking about that 61 point loss this morning. :shakehead:
Man, I am so PO'd right now...... :angry: The cable company came by today and "accidentally" turned my cable off instead of somebody elses... :banghead: This was just one of my few chances to watch our team on cable and they do this to me! :bad:

I know we will probably lose, but I wanted to watch anyway. If any of you live in Knoxville, go to the Comcast building and protest for me. I will make it worth your while......... :machinegun: Comcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not that simple. THey have to make money somehow so they will delaying as long as possible. I will give you full coverage on the game if you want. go to , you can listen to it from there. But maybe this is a blessing in disguise, at least your won't have your blood pressure rise over how bad our Vols will play tonight.
Well, we didn't exactly get SLAUGHTERED, but we didn't win a "close" one either.
Somebody, PLEASE make this season end - QUICK!!!

Actually, it was pretty close when we were tied 55 - 55. Then we had our notorious last 6 minutes where they give up and let the other team have the game. I am sick of this team.

Bring in a new coach and don't tell me that we don't have the money. I just read an article that says our men's bball program brings in 10 million a year. UK brings in 12 and UF doesn't even bring in half of what we do.

Congrats to Chris Lofton for breaking the freshman 3 pointers made in a season in the SEC.

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