On the other extreme, here is the far left:
Retail Sales fall: Bush's Fault
Retail Sales stay the same: Wow, Bush really screwed things up. Obama is doing everything he can, but at least the decline has leveled.
Retail Sales rise by a lot: Thank god we're rid of Bush. This is proof that republican tax cuts and the free market hurt the economy and that democratic policy is the only solution to prosperity.
Now, we all know the world doesn't revolve around extremes. Here is what rational people think:
Retail Sales fall: This is what happens in economies. They are cyclical. It is very likely that rates may continue to fall until we hit bottom. Good thing is, this will force inefficient and unprofitable companies out and when all is said and done, we will have a more streamlined economy with lower average prices.
Retail Sales stay the same: Well, we have some evidence that we may have hit the trough of the downturn. I will wait and see what happens (now may be a good time for me to invest).
Retail Sales rise by a lot: This is a good sign that the economy may have finished its natural cycle and we are back on an upswing. At this point, I will be cautiously optimistic but stay slightly reserved as this may simply be the result of some temporary artificial boost in demand. But all-in-all, a good sign.