


regular old member
May 2, 2007
So here is the question I give you. Is there a point where Americans have had enough? If that point came is there ever a a time where people with a new form of govt would ever win against the almighty fed? If states began to secede would they have the authority to use military supplies and equipment form their state? Or would the fed govt. just be too strong and need to be toppled be other form, such as a total economic collapse or an already weakened system from a war on our own soil? I just want opinions, I do not think that it will happen in my life time but just wondering what you guys think.

I think the military would sit it out, if the fed and states got into a show-down. It would be a paper revolution.
I'll have to check with the wife buy I might be up for a revolution this weekend.
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
Lets see,writing about it is considered Sedition by Definition.I would say that you are on your way.:eek:hmy:
Prince is considering getting the whole group back together and knocking out a Purple Rain tour.

Can't wait to hear Darling Nikki live again.
Prince is considering getting the whole group back together and knocking out a Purple Rain tour.

Can't wait to hear Darling Nikki live again.
Let's go crazy...

All joking aside, I have heard that the small one in purple will not do that song since he has found the Lord.
Let's go crazy...

All joking aside, I have heard that the small one in purple will not do that song since he has found the Lord.
so be it. I'll just break out my old cassette tape of Purple Rain, crank it up, and rip the knob off.
I do remember thinking Wendy was pretty hot back in the day. Chicks and guitars have always done that to me. I think her and Lisa score Heroes.
It all depends upon what the crux of the revolution centers on. If those in revolt are in revolt due to restricted weapons / hunting rights and perceived religious "persecution" then while the military might be on orders to put down such an insurrection, the actual Soldiers and small unit leaders would be hard pressed to actually carry out such orders.
So here is the question I give you. Is there a point where Americans have had enough? If that point came is there ever a a time where people with a new form of govt would ever win against the almighty fed? If states began to secede would they have the authority to use military supplies and equipment form their state? Or would the fed govt. just be too strong and need to be toppled be other form, such as a total economic collapse or an already weakened system from a war on our own soil? I just want opinions, I do not think that it will happen in my life time but just wondering what you guys think.


apparantly we are due for one next year

American Civil War in 2010, Russian Academic Says : Bill Bradley | Vanity Fair
Hopefully there is a peaceful revolt in the 2010 elections. The GOP better be firing on all cylinders.
Papa in a hotel lobby.....never heard that euphemism before!
some old radio station jingle about locking it in to their station and ripping the knob off. Wanna say it was a Richmond station, but don't really recall.

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