Ridge warns Limbaugh

This is the battle right now -- the shrill right has the ariwaves, while the established party leaders have the power and the money.

Somebody needs to warn Tom Ridge that he's got the charisma of a doorknob. This "battle" is contrived IMO. It's mainly Democrats trying to paint a picture of a party in chaos and some moderates being opportunistic.
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No way is it contrived. You see examples of the more conservative on this board all the time, expressing anger at the GOP close to the same level of disdain for the Dems.

Its real.
No way is it contrived. You see examples of the more conservative on this board all the time, expressing anger at the GOP close to the same level of disdain for the Dems.

Its real.

. . . . not exactly a new dynamic.
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Sounds as though Limbaugh is in it were they want him or not.You know what that's fine by me.He's an idiot with no recourse but to do as he has been doing for years.Make his millions with out regards to the effects that he heaps on his own party,not to mention this country.

As long as he is or portrayed to be the head of the republican party.Democratic life is going to be rich and full.

Go rush go.
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Funny no one is saying the dems should be more open to "other peoples views" like conservatives, but the GOP should be more open to leftist views. hmmm...
Funny no one is saying the dems should be more open to "other peoples views" like conservatives, but the GOP should be more open to leftist views. hmmm...

I haven't heard anything like that. While the GOP can still be conservative and succeed, they need to stop trimming off the fat from the party. Turns out that that "fat" might be valuable votes that gets them elected. The meat, that the leaders of the party perceive(who exactly, is the GOP's leader), is actually filled with nothing more than chicken hawks, religious nuts, rednecks, and NRA crazies.

When true conservatives that stand on their values and start to stand up and run, then the GOP will start to rebound.

Until then, don't expect anything else but what's happened in 2006 and 2008 to happen again.
who's crazier, a Code Pink nazi screaming at the top of her lungs at Donald Rumsfeld or an NRA member fighting to keep a right guaranteed to him or her by the US Constitution.
who's crazier, a Code Pink nazi screaming at the top of her lungs at Donald Rumsfeld or an NRA member fighting to keep a right guaranteed to him or her by the US Constitution.

Of course that's an easy win by the NRA guy. It's a scenario in which can be loaded to fit the agenda of the person posing the question.
I'm no where near as well read or sophisticated as some of you especially in the politcal discussions, I happily concede that. But how bad does it have to be in deficit, war, economics, racism, and foriegn policy do before we realize being united as Americans rather than divided as political partisans is probably the way to heal a broken ecomomy, solve a foriegn policy fiasco, and get this nation back on a prideful paying basis again? Has it gotten so bad that we'd rather be right as a party than right as a nation?
Actually it was going moderate that has gotten the Republican's collective ass handed to them the last two elections, and that is the disgust that conservatives have with their party Law. If they keep going down that road they are going to be just a figure in history as a new party emerges. I don't know how "shrill" Rush has gotten, because I just can't listen to him due to my work schedule, but in the past I would say I mostly agree with him. Hannity has always been shrill and always will be. This is also the main reason I stopped listening to Glenn Beck, because he finds a new doomsday scenario and gloms onto it every other day. Maybe Rush is doing that now too, because he was pretty adamant about President Obama being a Marxist the last I heard. The last 8 years have been a nightmare watching Republicans mostly act like left of center liberals on most topics, and that behavior is viewed as conservative it seems, and it boggles my mind.
who's crazier, a Code Pink nazi screaming at the top of her lungs at Donald Rumsfeld or an NRA member fighting to keep a right guaranteed to him or her by the US Constitution.
That's a tough one. Screaming at an incompetent fool like Rumsfeld is perfectly rational behavior and standing around trying to argue that an amendment that has the words "well regulated" in it grants an unfettered right is pretty dense. Thus, I'll be generous and say I hate both groups.
No way is it contrived. You see examples of the more conservative on this board all the time, expressing anger at the GOP close to the same level of disdain for the Dems.

Its real.

Do you ever look at the divisions within the Democratic party? I'm guessing no.

Thanks again for explaining to us how other people (with views different than your own) think. :hi:
If Ridge wanted to give Limbaugh a warning that would have value to him, he should mention the danger of mixing oxycontin with lard.
This "battle" is contrived IMO. It's mainly Democrats trying to paint a picture of a party in chaos and some moderates being opportunistic.

Dems and the media love to paint Limbaugh as the leader of the RNC. I know of no Republican who sees him that way. He's a conservative talk show host. Period.
Dems and the media love to paint Limbaugh as the leader of the RNC. I know of no Republican who sees him that way. He's a conservative talk show host. Period.

That's why other conservative commentators refer to him as "The Great One," he shows up regularly to thunderous applause at the most conservative political action committee dinners, etc.

The real problem for the conservative wing of the Republican party is that the demographics of the country are changing so dramatically and the minority communities, generally speaking, often find themselves on the opposite side of issues from the most conservative leaders and policies.

The simple, objective reality, is that every generation that comes along is a little more influenced by minority issues and simple size of population. The Democracts' base is growing. The Republicans' getting smaller.
That's why other conservative commentators refer to him as "The Great One," he shows up regularly to thunderous applause at the most conservative political action committee dinners, etc.

Echo chamber. I don't consider Hannity's endorsement of Limbaugh as anything else.

The real problem for the conservative wing of the Republican party is that the demographics of the country are changing so dramatically and the minority communities, generally speaking, often find themselves on the opposite side of issues from the most conservative leaders and policies.

Don't agree here. I think many of the ideals of the conservatives are both appealing to and consistent with these changing demographics. The problem has been poor execution of message, extreme focus on overly narrow issues (e.g. gay marriage) and successful messaging by D's to paint conservatism as the home of rich, white and mean.

The simple, objective reality, is that every generation that comes along is a little more influenced by minority issues and simple size of population. The Democracts' base is growing. The Republicans' getting smaller.

Disagree. Minority issues are not incompatible at all with Conservative issues.
Its more about economics, bham. Think about it. The economy has gone to crap and there are two competing messages.

Message #1 to the underclass is that its their fault for borrowing more than they could afford and for being too dependent on the wealthy to pay for social programs.

Message #2 is that the rich have been living for too long of their labor and that the solution is to increase taxes on the rich and spending to benefit the poor and middle classes.

Which message are they going to go for?
Its more about economics, bham. Think about it. The economy has gone to crap and there are two competing messages.

Message #1 to the underclass is that its their fault for borrowing more than they could afford and for being too dependent on the wealthy to pay for social programs.

Message #2 is that the rich have been living for too long of their labor and that the solution is to increase taxes on the rich and spending to benefit the poor and middle classes.

Which message are they going to go for?

What you left out of message 1: There is nothing wrong with wanting to earn more. You should be able to pursue whatever opportunities you like without being punished, shamed or thwarted.

What you left out of message 2: Your place is to be poor and we'll take care of you.

The fundamental difference is role of the government. There are arguments to be made in favor of each approach across the socio-economic spectrum. I believe at the core of the vast majority is a desire to take responsibility and pursue whichever path you see fit. That view is wholly consistent with conservatism.
What you left out of message 1: There is nothing wrong with wanting to earn more. You should be able to pursue whatever opportunities you like without being punished, shamed or thwarted.

What you left out of message 2: Your place is to be poor and we'll take care of you.

The fundamental difference is role of the government. There are arguments to be made in favor of each approach across the socio-economic spectrum. I believe at the core of the vast majority is a desire to take responsibility and pursue whichever path you see fit. That view is wholly consistent with conservatism.

The people we are talking about have been hearing that third message for years. And they are increasingly convinced that it comes from the rich, to keep them in line.

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