RIP Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac

RIP - I was getting tired of the Chevy commercial using Everywhere but not enough to want her dead
RIP - I was getting tired of the Chevy commercial using Everywhere but not enough to want her dead
Alot of Fleetwood Mac songs got played out but were still good songs, two in particular I got really tired of were dreams and gypsy they played those songs on repeat it seemed at a grocery store I worked at right out of high school.
Stevie got most of the limelight, but Christine was the consummate steady professional that made the band tick. The other members of the band were all sort of eccentric wildcards. Christine was the gravitational center that kept them from going too far afield.
Stevie got most of the limelight, but Christine was the consummate steady professional that made the band tick. The other members of the band were all sort of eccentric wildcards. Christine was the gravitational center that kept them from going too far afield.
Very well said. I’ve long had a crush on Stevie since way back and she is very talented no doubt and beautiful but I think Christine had a better voice and you are right she made the band tick and was the glue to hold it together. Stevie probaly gets too much credit but she was always front and center since the day she joined.
Very well said. I’ve long had a crush on Stevie since way back and she is very talented no doubt and beautiful but I think Christine had a better voice and you are right she made the band tick and was the glue to hold it together. Stevie probaly gets too much credit but she was always front and center since the day she joined.
I liked Stevie better at first too, especially in my teenage years. But as I grew older, I realized her lyrics that seemed so deep and meaningful to a teenage mind were basically stream of consciousness rambling. McVir’s songs were about the challenges of real life grown up relationships. And the absolute smoothness and perfection of that voice still amazes me.
The true eye opened for me was the absolute disjointed incoherence of Stevie Nicks’ solo albums. (And the zonoko weirdness of Mick Fleetwood and Lindsay Buckingham’s solo efforts). Christine was the sun that the others orbited around and she kep them from going la la cray cray musically. I did. however love Buckingham’s excellent “Trouble”. But McVie’s solo album was an absolute gem.

I liked Stevie better at first too, especially in my teenage years. But as I grew older, I realized her lyrics that seemed so deep and meaningful to a teenage mind were basically stream of consciousness rambling. McVir’s songs were about the challenges of real life grown up relationships. And the absolute smoothness and perfection of that voice still amazes me.
The true eye opened for me was the absolute disjointed incoherence of Stevie Nicks’ solo albums. (And the zonoko weirdness of Mick Fleetwood and Lindsay Buckingham’s solo efforts). Christine was the sun that the others orbited around and she kep them from going la la cray cray musically. I did. however love Buckingham’s excellent “Trouble”. But McVie’s solo album was an absolute gem.

I loved Christine’s voice. Her solo album was really good. Just a legendary and great band so many amazing songs and their music still sounds pretty modern today.
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Forget “The Crown”. For pure entertainment value, a streaming miniseries on the lives and loves of the members of Fleetwood Mac would be golden 😂
Of course with the lawsuits that would result from the members, it ain’t going to happen in OUR lifetimes

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