RIP Kirstie Alley

Star Trek geeks will remember her as the Vulcan understudy, LT. Saavik, who flunked the Kobayashi Maru test in Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan from 1982. That movie saved the franchise after the original 1979 film adaptation was boring nonsense. She was very good in that role too.

Star Trek geeks will remember her as the Vulcan understudy, LT. Saavik, who flunked the Kobayashi Maru test in Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan from 1982. That movie saved the franchise after the original 1979 film adaptation was boring nonsense. She was very good in that role too.

Best Star Trek Movie yet. Wonder if it was her refusing to return or the studio’s decision to recast her character in Star Trek III.
So sad to see that she passed. Seemed to be a nice person.

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