Robert Montgomery Knight On Espnews

Getting his team ready to play UCLA tomorow night, he couldn't say anything about the UT job. Anybody with sense at all knows he couldn't say one way or the other and be credible.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 16, 2005 9:25 PM
I don't have espnews. What happen?

He took about 10 questions, only one dealing with the UT job. He rambled for a few moments and then told the reporter that if he couldnt find an answer in that, he needs to go back to school (or words to that effect).

Originally posted by surrealvol@Mar 16, 2005 9:32 PM
Getting his team ready to play UCLA tomorow night, he couldn't say anything about the UT job. Anybody with sense at all knows he couldn't say one way or the other and be credible.

absolutely right.
I agree, he responded how he should have, this is a coach with a team going into the tourney. You had to know someone was going to ask the question and he basically slapped the reporter down and said if he didn't understand why he deflected the question he should go back to school.

Pretty funny in my opinion.

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