Roethlisberger in Motorcycle Accident



Oct 21, 2004
Just heard on the news that Big Ben had a bike wreck.

Awake but disoriented was all I heard. Hospital not releasing info other than confirming it is him.

May not have been wearing a helmet :shakehead:
I'm guessing his contract does'nt have a ''no stupid crap'' during the off season clause.
(dan4vols @ Jun 12 said:
I'm guessing his contract does'nt have a ''no stupid crap'' during the off season clause.

I guess he's been hanging out with Winslow Jr.
Today also helps illustrate where exactly soccer stands in America. An above-average QB in the NFL tries to kill himself, and that is the breaking news with hours of in depth analysis while the US loss in the 'World Cup' is just a sidebar.
(tidwell @ Jun 12 said:
Today also helps illustrate where exactly soccer stands in America. An above-average QB in the NFL tries to kill himself, and that is the breaking news with hours of in depth analysis while the US loss in the 'World Cup' is just a sidebar.
Soccer will always be a participatory sport in this country. Kids will play it, but nobody will watch it. The ADD generation is not going to sit and watch a sport that makes baseball look like Roller Derby in terms of action.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 12 said:
Soccer will always be a participatory sport in this country. Kids will play it, but nobody will watch it. The ADD generation is not going to sit and watch a sport that makes baseball look like Roller Derby in terms of action.

Local reports here in memphis are saying he went through windshield and is going into surgery now. Probably will not play this coming up season if ever again. Hope that is innaccurate.
He lost almost all of his teeth, hurt both knees and they are calling in a plastic surgeon.
you forgot that his left eye was knocked out of socket and they can't find two of his fingers off of his throwing hand.
(rootyvol @ Jun 12 said:
you forgot that his left eye was knocked out of socket and they can't find two of his fingers off of his throwing hand.

Yes but at least they did find his throwing hand still attached to his arm about 50 feet from the scene...
The 24-year-old Roethlisberger has said in the past that he prefers not to wear a helmet when riding his motorcycle. He has pointed out Pennsylvania's 35-year-old state law requiring helmets to be worn was amended to make helmets optional.

Lucky him huh?
The story on CNNSI has a photo of a small pool of blood on the pavement with a chalk line drawn around it.

Do we really need to see that? :shakehead:
The Dolphins open with the Steelers, as much as I want the Phins to be successful, I'd rather not see em dominate Charlie Batch.

By last night they were starting to down play the severity of the injuries. A few broken teeth, a broke jaw, 9 inch cut on back of head and his knees were not as bad as feared. It did take about 7 hours of surgery to fix him up. Hey, at least he was free to take on the car with his face because of the fore site of the Pennsylvania legislature that repealed the law two years ago. :dunno:
(volinbham @ Jun 12 said:
Yes but at least they did find his throwing hand still attached to his arm about 50 feet from the scene...
At least the hand had a Super Bowl ring on it. That's more than can be said about certain sainted QBs.
i thought that teams set like rules or "laws" for their players where they couldn't be involved in dangerous activities during the off season and the season. i know that riding a motorcycle is a everyday event for some people, but he could have been wearing a helmet, oh im sorry he's too cool for that. he didn't know that granny was going to pull out in front of him. i didn't hear or read where how fast he was going when this happened, but it doesn't sounds like it really mattered, either.
I read that he was only doing about 35 mph when the accident occurred, but it just doesn't take much speed to get hurt in a motorcyle accident.

I can't believe the Steelers allow him to do stuff like that.

(GAVol @ Jun 13 said:
I read that he was only doing about 35 mph when the accident occurred, but it just doesn't take much speed to get hurt in a motorcyle accident.

I can't believe the Steelers allow him to do stuff like that.
What are they going to do? Follow him around 24/7/365? These guys are adults. If they do something reckless and it results in their being unable to play, void their contract and move on.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 13 said:
At least the hand had a Super Bowl ring on it. That's more than can be said about certain sainted QBs.

:snoring: :snoring: :snoring:
(volinbham @ Jun 13 said:
:snoring: :snoring: :snoring:
Is that your imitation of the Indianapolis Colts in the playoffs? If so, it's incredibly accurate.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 13 said:
Is that your imitation of the Indianapolis Colts in the playoffs? If so, it's incredibly accurate.

More "fact-based" objective analysis.
(volinbham @ Jun 13 said:
More "fact-based" objective analysis.
Are you saying the Colts have been successful in the playoffs? I would love to see some facts that support such an assertion.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 13 said:
Are you saying the Colts have been successful in the playoffs? I would love to see some facts that support such an assertion.

While success and failure can be defined in many ways, it is clearly not objective nor factually correct to refer to their performance as :snoring: :snoring: :snoring:

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