

Junior Member
Oct 20, 2004
We are rolling up to Tennessee to whip some Volunteer A$$! I hate UT with a passion that is unsurmounted. Bama wins by 10 this weekend! If not for the Phil paying off the SEC officials, UT is 3 - 4 coming into this game, not 6 - 1. Check out to see your sorry coach in his real colors.

ROLL TIDE! :beer:
3 bad calls in the final two minutes against Florida, allowing UT to win.
9 bad calls throughout the Georgia game (2 facemask calls not called on GA's final drive) allowing UT to win. Lastly, the super spot UT got when thier wideout ran out of bounds a full 2 yards short of the first down marker against Ole Miss on UT's last drive allowing the drive to continue. Fulmer is paying somebody for these calls! He will get caught.
Excuse me! I think Alabama is the one who got caught making payments!!! Just because your team cheats, doesn't mean that all other teams do it.
We will see. I know that WHEN Phil gets caught, your program should get three times the penalty that Bama got. This is not just propoganda, you will see soon enough. And by the way, I teach my kids not to tattle-tale, especially when all the evidence they have is hearsay.
I am glad that we are talking about the game and not this crap that none of us have any control over.

Originally posted by bamaball13@Oct 20, 2004 9:50 AM
We will see. I know that WHEN Phil gets caught, your program should get three times the penalty that Bama got. This is not just propoganda, you will see soon enough. And by the way, I teach my kids not to tattle-tale, especially when all the evidence they have is hearsay.

How 'bout the other 20 or so coaches who were questioned regarding Alabama's cheating?

And there will be no charges on Phil Fulmer. He would actually have to cheat to get caught. Phil runs a clean program. If you believe a bunch of 2-bit lawyers, then you bammers are more gullible than I originally thought.
Baggins, you may not have any control over this stuff, but I do, so like I said to those Vol faithful who believe thier coach is such a goody-goody, just wait and see.
Those other coaches were APPROACHED for questioning, Fulmer started it off by passing on nothing but hearsay with no hard evidence. What kind of man takes the cheap route in order to give his team a better chance on the field? He should win by making HIS team better, not by getting another school in trouble.
Originally posted by bamaball13@Oct 20, 2004 11:01 AM
Those other coaches were APPROACHED for questioning, Fulmer started it off by passing on nothing but hearsay with no hard evidence. What kind of man takes the cheap route in order to give his team a better chance on the field? He should win by making HIS team better, not by getting another school in trouble.

He's 9-2 against Alabama.... he doesn't need any help.

He was also approached by the NCAA. Get your facts straight. Don't just spout that Gallion :censored: .
He was approached, after he started spouting off, giving the NCAA a reason for investigation. Get YOUR facts straight.
Originally posted by bamaball13@Oct 20, 2004 11:26 AM
He was approached, after he started spouting off, giving the NCAA a reason for investigation. Get YOUR facts straight.


Now your not even making sense. That :censored: may fly in the Alabama media, but the media outside "The Heart of Dixie" will not print your lies and deception.
So the NCAA approached him but he should have lied and covered up for Bama? He did the honest thing and told the truth. He wasn't the only one "spouting off" and if it was hearsay then why is Bama on suspension?

So you have control huh, give me a break! :moon2:
It's funny how many of the lawsuits have been dropped. You need to get over this, get a therapist and go deep down and solve your issues!

What is that? Oh it's Bama football going down the :flush:
''Tell Jayson Swain I'm too old to strap it up,'' Gallion said. ''The guy must be a nitwit, but I'd like to meet him to take his deposition.'' :blink:

I expect trash talking from a college football player with limited media exposure. But when an experienced lawyer is not above childish name calling it tells me a lot about him as an attorney and as a person.

Now, let's play some football and kick their a@$#$s until they're Crimson!

See what I have to live with 365 days a year? This guy is more of the norm than the exception.

Tee Martin grade changing scandal?? That is a new one.

If he is in control, then he must be bahr brahnt junyer.

:flush: around the bowl and down the hole roll tahd roll!

p.s. I have had at least a dozen offers for tickets from the local tide faithful, what's up with that? Did the convenience stores quit selling Pabst Blue Ribbon in Knoxville? Must be the reason.
What do you not understand? Fulmer started running his mouth to the NCAA. Then after the investigation was initiated, Fulmer was OFFICIALLY APPROACHED for questioning. He was questioned on numerous occasions. The fact is the Fulmer sparked an interest in the NCAA which resulted in an investigation. Like I said earlier, I teach my kids not to be taddle-tales and that is exactly what Fulmer is. He is a rat in the most literal sense. Now that he has made himself out to be the good guy, he is cheating by paying off the officials. Watch the game tapes and unless you lie to yourself, you will see that UT has gotten all the breaks in their close games, giving them every opportunity to win. He will get caught and hope the NCAA gives Tennessee football the death penalty! You don't deserve to be in the game if the only way you can win big games is by paying the officials! The SEC Commissioner has already been made aware of the possible bias. Fulmer and Tennessee are going down!
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Oct 20, 2004 12:02 PM
See what I have to live with 365 days a year? This guy is more of the norm than the exception.

Tee Martin grade changing scandal?? That is a new one.

If he is in control, then he must be bahr brahnt junyer.

:flush: around the bowl and down the hole roll tahd roll!

p.s. I have had at least a dozen offers for tickets from the local tide faithful, what's up with that? Did the convenience stores quit selling Pabst Blue Ribbon in Knoxville? Must be the reason.

Originally posted by bamaball13@Oct 20, 2004 12:05 PM
What do you not understand? Fulmer started running his mouth to the NCAA. Then after the investigation was initiated, Fulmer was OFFICIALLY APPROACHED for questioning. He was questioned on numerous occasions. The fact is the Fulmer sparked an interest in the NCAA which resulted in an investigation. Like I said earlier, I teach my kids not to be taddle-tales and that is exactly what Fulmer is. He is a rat in the most literal sense. Now that he has made himself out to be the good guy, he is cheating by paying off the officials. Watch the game tapes and unless you lie to yourself, you will see that UT has gotten all the breaks in their close games, giving them every opportunity to win. He will get caught and hope the NCAA gives Tennessee football the death penalty! You don't deserve to be in the game if the only way you can win big games is by paying the officials! The SEC Commissioner has already been made aware of the possible bias. Fulmer and Tennessee are going down!

:lolup: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :dlol: :dlol:

When you can post like an adult, I'll stop laughing.
I'm not kidding nor am I making this up. The commish received a certified letter yesterday from an undisclosed location, questioning the bias shown by the SEC officials in favor of UT.
Originally posted by bamaball13@Oct 20, 2004 12:13 PM
I'm not kidding nor am I making this up. The commish received a certified letter yesterday from an undisclosed location, questioning the bias shown by the SEC officials in favor of UT.

Just like the officials admitted making a bad call against Ole Miss when they called the UT receiver out of bounds at the thirty yard line on the Vols last touchdown drive. The receiver clearly never stepped out of bounds.

Like the clock stoppage "for measurement" on Georgia's last drive when Georgia was clearly two yards short of the first down.... clearly an extra timeout for Georgia..... and stopping the clock with 1 second when it was also clear that the Georgia receiver never made it out of bounds.

Face it, there is no instant replay in the SEC and referees are human. Its all part of the game. Calls go both ways in a game.

You bammers are 'trying' to compensate off the field because you sure can't beat Tennessee on the field. :yikes:

Keep digging, so far ya'll haven't found any dirt on Fulmer yet. Not any that's true anyways.
Originally posted by allvol@Oct 20, 2004 12:44 PM
Just like the officials admitted making a bad call against Ole Miss when they called the UT receiver out of bounds at the thirty yard line on the Vols last touchdown drive. The receiver clearly never stepped out of bounds.

You're joking, right? Not only did the receiver step out of bounds, he steped out 2 yards short of the sticks, but the officials gave him a first down. I think you are blinded by that hidious color of orange.

I'll admit that the officials are human, but not only does being human give room for error, it also gives room for free will and greed. For example, taking money to throw games so that UT looks better than they really are. It doesn't matter what happens the rest of the year. UT will get blown out in thier bowl game this year. They are no more than 6 - 5 or 5 - 6 team. :shakeit:
First before you complain about officiating you need to learn the rules of the game

Pro football does not allow a rec. to go out of bounds and then return.

College football is that if the reciever is forced out he may return..

Official admitted that the Call was bad. that he blew it. It should of been a touch down.

Georgia game I have never ever seen a ref stop the clock to measure for fisrt down when the ball is 1 yard away..

If that is all you have to complain about then the 13 must represent your age

Or is that your IQ
I better explain bamaball (13)

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