Rome wasn't built in a day!!!!



Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2011
Really people really????? Did you all really think that just cause we had a new coach that we was gonna be instantly NC contenders???? I for one am sick to death of reading all this bullsh$$ about how Butch didn't call the right plays and our OC & DC didn't call a good enough game!! We have the right staff we just need to get depth and add more talent!! I honestly woulda hated to see the result of yesterday's game if we was still under the previous leadership!! Butch Jones was not happy nor was he content with our performance yesterday! It's gonna take time to rebuild but it's not happening over one coaching change and a off season! If you are a real fan you understand and stand behind our leaders and players! But I am sick to death of theses other threads of how disappointed, embarrassed, and sayin big sal was still here yesterday and so on!! To all these *****in fans look in a mirror and decide if your in it for the long haul or if ya want instant wins! Cause if your lookin for instant wins you need to get out now, or stop your *****in and criticism of these players and staff cause they are givin there all for Tennessee! It's easy to sit in your office or home and break down what they shoulda done or didnt do or done wrong, its a lil different when there out there doin it!!! Win or loose I'm a by god VOLUNTEER!!!!!! GBO

sorry for the long rant but damn it, it's one loss to the #2 team in the country!! Things will get better!
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Agreed. But it's also fair to point out that the current set of architects we have building our Rome brick by brick did not look competent yesterday. It was their first big test and they failed miserably (after having the whole summer to prepare). Also, remember that at least one of those key architects (Jancek) had an opportunity to build Rome when he was at UGA but his house of bricks (actually cards) was easily brought down by both Kiffin and Dooley.
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Buch has too go, that wasan awful game and outcoached. Dave Heart is a moran for not bringing back Coach Phil and make us all proud and happy to be Vols like true Fans. Vfl
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Look at what has been accomplished after the 2015 season...if it's good then extend CBJ.....if not fire him.
Look at what has been accomplished after the 2015 season...if it's good then extend CBJ.....if not fire him.

The key will be this next recruiting class. If CBJ pulls a top ten class with some real talent he deserves at least 3 years (just like Dooley deserved to see his best recruits Hunter, Rogers, O-line, and CP play at least through their junior year). The difference is that back then it was much easier for me to believe Chaney and Wilcox would eventually get it done than what I currently believe about Jancek and Bajakian (especially after how unprepared everyone looked yesterday after they had the whole summer to plan for this game - especially Bajakian should have been able to do much more given that we have some excellent talent on the o-line - should have been able to run the ball much more effectively).
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I think the issue is that as a fan base, we have been watching someone "build rome" for over 5 years. And well, Rome hasn't remotely materialized.
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kevin summlin built his rome in a day .. and from what I see we have worse ruins then what Fulmer left ...not saying fulmer should be here ..he was horrible that last year for what our expectations for the program then was ..but rather than improving on that, past four years we have taken this program so far down that we now get stomped like Nicholas State ...thats all
Sadly we will never get to where bama is at today. The administration don't give two craps bout the program or they wouldn't have hired Kiffin or doofus. They have f---ed TN football!!!
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Sadly we will never get to where bama is at today. The administration don't give two craps bout the program or they wouldn't have hired Kiffin or doofus. They have f---ed TN football!!!

Normally I tell people to step off the ledge, but after this post I say go ahead and jump. Why not?
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Bottom Line - This is the Worst Tennessee roster in my 32 years (worse than Dooley's first team). It is going to be a long year, next year will be a little better however it will most likely take 3 years to develop the talent and depth to compete with the big boys. It is simply wishful thinking to expect big things this year.

That being said, I am done with Worley!

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