Romney (tsk tsk)



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.

Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.


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Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.


Amazing how personal you take these things.

I think you really are a little unstable.
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Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.


Too funny. Maybe Obama is the jerk. A point lost on you.
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Amazing, that in midst of crushing debt and falsely blaming/fear mongering of measly cuts which Obama invented, signed into law, and threatened to veto any changes to, you still care about the non-controversial comments said in an interview of the failed GOP candidate instead of the resent actions of your flag bearer.
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Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.


He is a self made billionaire who could buy and sell your great organizer in a split second and lost to your great organizer (a man with zero reasons to be in office on his up to the moment resume) and honestly must still be a little pissed off that enough lazy freeloaders and morons in FL (hi there genius) voted the guy back into office.

It's like the dumbest kid in the school got elected not once but twice for school president because he told all the students he would get rid of homework and everyone could stay home and play videogames.
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Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.


Well, look who's calling a person a tool. :eek:lol: Have you looked in the mirror lately? And your king is a loser also.
It's like the dumbest kid in the school got elected not once but twice for school president because he told all the students he would get rid of homework and everyone could stay home and play videogames.

More truth in this analogy than I care to admit.
I guess I just overestimated him. Disappointed that he is so petty.

crazy that he might actually believe what he says. I know that doesn't work for you, but I suspect he's now in the mode of actually saying what he thinks.
I know how you feel. I overestimated someone once...
Turns out he really is a complete tool. Instead of encouraging both sides to come together, instead of being a statesman, he just basks in the lost glory of the friendly confines of Fox and takes one more cheap shot.


Don't worry LG.....he's not gonna come and take your BHO poster down from your bedroom ceiling.......or the picture of him you have taped on your dog's back
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