Russian Protests



Kung Fu Kamala, B*tches!
Jan 16, 2010
Protests across Russia and they seem to be gaining steam. Hopefully 2021 is the year the world says goodbye to faux strongmen/dictators. America got the party started. Hopefully Russia keeps it going.

Protests across Russia and they seem to be gaining steam. Hopefully 2021 is the year the world says goodbye to faux strongmen/dictators. America got the party started.

Which dictator and false strongman did we get rid of? The one that threatened to beat up Corn Pop or the one that challenged someone to a push up contest?

Or was it the one that would have taken Trump out to the woodshed?
Alexei Navalny's supporters clash with police into the night after throwing SNOWBALLS at officers as hundreds of thousands join anti-Putin protests across Russia, his wife is arrested and the US condemns 'brutal tactics' of cops beating protesters

  • Alexei Navalny was jailed for 30 days upon his return to Russia on January 17 after months spent in Germany
  • Yulia Navalnaya, 44, posted a selfie in the back of the police van as thousands of Navalny supporters joined
  • On Monday, he urged his supporters to take to the streets in protest his arrest. People obliged on Saturday
  • Heavily armed OMON special forces officers and national guards were present, and seen clashing with people
Supporters of Putin critic Alexei Navalny continued to clash with police deep into the night as world leaders condemned officers' 'brutal tactics' which left crowds of activists bloodied and injured.

Hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters took part in demonstrations across 70 cities on Saturday in a show of defiance against the jailing of Navalny, who was poisoned with a nerve agent he says was slipped to him by state security agents in August.

His wife Yulia Navalnaya, 44, was among around 3,400 people detained by officers. She posted a selfie following her arrest, captioned: 'Apologies for the poor quality. Very bad light in the police van.'

Demonstrators were dragged off by riot officers to police buses and detention trucks, while some activists were beaten with police batons.

The violent scenes from police drew condemnation from both the United States and the European Union, whose foreign policy chief said he deplored the 'widespread arrests' and the 'disproportionate use of force'.




People climb a monument during an unauthorized rally in support of Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny


A smoke bomb lies on the street as protesters were detained during rally in support of jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, near Matrosskaya Tishina prison, in Moscow


A supporter's face is bandaged and covered in blood after attending the unauthorised rally in Moscow on Saturday

Anti-Kremlin demonstrations break out across Russia in support of jailed Putin-critic Alexei Navalny | Daily Mail Online
Protests across Russia and they seem to be gaining steam. Hopefully 2021 is the year the world says goodbye to faux strongmen/dictators. America got the party started. Hopefully Russia keeps it going.

This does remind me of the US now that you say it. People protested in DC on Jan 6th and the government flipped out.
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19 responses, only one of them about what's happening in Russia. Typical for this place.

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