How arrogant can fans be? Arrogance and entitlement is our society today. Coach Jones is a fine man and coach. But I'm sure you bozos knew all along who TN should hire. What a bunch of morons.
This train wreck just keeps getting worse and worse. We deserve better than this. WE ARE the Tennessee Vols! We are not Cincinnati.
What does that mean "we are Tennessee?" If I think about successful football at UT I think of Fulmer, Chavis, Cutcliffe... and they were all from the Major's coaching tree.
The fans hate those guys. They were ran off. Well lets hope for 7-9 wins a year. At least the bowl games will be close and cheap.
When i heard the news i had an sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...The guy that got steam rolled by Dooley is now our head coach? How is this guy going to compete with the likes of the Sabans, Richts, And Les Miles? I feel this will cost UT another 5 million dollar buyout about 3 years down the road and we will once again be back at square one, for the 3rd time in the past 10 years. That all said, I will support the players and will not trash the university, but theres no way im making 9 hour drives on the regular to see Butch Jones and company get rolled by SEC teams
Because nobody worth a crap wants the job!
We expected a home run and struck out bunting.....Why are there fans who think we should stand behind every crappy hire that is now running through our T? I stood behind these losers long enough. It is time to hold these administrators to task for ruining our beliefs that we are champions at UT....We are now expected to be middle of the pack and fill enough seats to pay the light bill........