Woman found pushing dead son, 3, in swing at Md. park
May 23, 2015 #1 J jp1 Well-Known Member Joined Feb 14, 2009 Messages 7,675 Likes 14,831 May 23, 2015 #1 Woman found pushing dead son, 3, in swing at Md. park
May 23, 2015 #2 Vol knight Text a Buddy! Joined Oct 2, 2013 Messages 8,958 Likes 3,141 May 23, 2015 #2
May 23, 2015 #3 joevol33 1st official VN BB bracket winner VN Pick Champion Joined Mar 21, 2011 Messages 294,048 Likes 252,383 May 23, 2015 #3 Sad. Makes you wonder if she has mental issues, or just not accepting the death. It'd be hard to let go.
Sad. Makes you wonder if she has mental issues, or just not accepting the death. It'd be hard to let go.
May 23, 2015 #4 vollygirl GO VOLS!!! Staff member Joined Sep 27, 2008 Messages 67,648 Likes 58,574 May 23, 2015 #4 Saw that yesterday. Said she may have been doing it all night. I can't fathom losing a three year old child, but I would imagine it would be very easy to slip over the edge.
Saw that yesterday. Said she may have been doing it all night. I can't fathom losing a three year old child, but I would imagine it would be very easy to slip over the edge.
May 24, 2015 #5 Coug Well-Known Member Joined Oct 14, 2012 Messages 20,579 Likes 11,544 May 24, 2015 #5 It's more likely than not that she has issues other than grieving from the loss of her child. Are they assuming it's her child or do they know for a fact it's her child?
It's more likely than not that she has issues other than grieving from the loss of her child. Are they assuming it's her child or do they know for a fact it's her child?