So what did you think about Pocahontas (same movie different setting)?
i didn't see pocahontas. the only reason i saw this movie was that my father-in-law wanted to see it.
i thought special effects were great, i think the theater that we saw it in wasn't too great. i liked how the indians were so tall.
i really wanted to like the movie, but the whole liberal/anti-military/anti-American/mother earth propaganda really killed it for me.
and a more original name for the wonder-mineral. "Unobtanium"? really?
I just don't understand the absolute hate. I usually am ultra sensitive to the liberal propaganda, but to me this movie was no where near that bad of an offender. Ya they had jabs at the military in there (which would have been fixed in my mind if they just made the marines just a private branch of that company) but that was about it. To me it was Dances with Wolves' story, message, and theme but re-skinned with a sci fi setting. And the main reason why I think he went that easy route on the story was to make it predictable for the audience so they could just lose themselves in the world that he created. I loved it for what it was.
i loved the special effects, but the whole jarhead stereotype just killed it early for me. the shock and awe quote, the daisy cutter reference was too obvious to miss. you mean they don't have a missle designed that take out the tree? they have to rig a bomb and drop it out of the ship ( just like they do with the actual daisy cutter bomb)