Scalping Tickets



Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
I've never scalped before. What is the best method for scalping tickets at Neyland? I don't have tickets but am considering making the trek if I think i'd be able to find some seats at a reasonable price. Any tips?
Two keys. Best bets are to scalp as far from Neyland as possible and to wait it out as long as you can. How many seats are you wanting? The smaller the better, even if it means splitting up.
go to the strip and walk up and down. Always see them there, however, i've never dealt with them myself. That's the best i got.
I've always gone up and gotten in the stadium for super cheap. This has been the case for the last 5-6 years. Up until last years Auburn game. Couldn't find anything halfway reasonable. Finally paid $70 about 10-15 minutes into the game.

I get the feeling there won't be many tickets on the street against FLA. Prices are crazy high right now. Less tickets available, means prices will be crazy high.

This is not the game I'd be trying to scalp tickets at. Everyone wants in, not many available.
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Ive only bought a few times from scalpers over the years, and from my personal experience, the closer it gets to game time, the cheaper you can get tickets. If you only need one, you can get it pretty cheap, I wouldn't pay more than $50 for a single ticket. If you need a pair, they will probably start the morning off tomorrow asking $250-$300 for the pair, no joke, but if you "shop around" you can do better than that. Also, make them an offer, usually for early games like tomorrow, they tend to wanna get rid of the handful of tickets they have as quickly as possible, and a profit is a profit, but remember, for most seats, ticket price was $80 each, so $100 per ticket is probably reasonable.

The best advice I can give you, look for someone that doesn't have a handful, or a scalper, try to find the dude that has two extra because a friend couldn't make it or something, they usually just wanna get their money back.
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I've always gone up and gotten in the stadium for super cheap. This has been the case for the last 5-6 years. Up until last years Auburn game. Couldn't find anything halfway reasonable. Finally paid $70 about 10-15 minutes into the game.

I get the feeling there won't be many tickets on the street against FLA. Prices are crazy high right now. Less tickets available, means prices will be crazy high.

This is not the game I'd be trying to scalp tickets at. Everyone wants in, not many available.

If your looking for cheap you might as well stay home or wait until after the game has started.
I just checked out stubhub. Nosebleed seats in the south end zone as cheap as $177 per ducat. I can see why you're willing to work the scalpers. Good luck to you!
Ive only bought a few times from scalpers over the years, and from my personal experience, the closer it gets to game time, the cheaper you can get tickets. If you only need one, you can get it pretty cheap, I wouldn't pay more than $50 for a single ticket. If you need a pair, they will probably start the morning off tomorrow asking $250-$300 for the pair, no joke, but if you "shop around" you can do better than that. Also, make them an offer, usually for early games like tomorrow, they tend to wanna get rid of the handful of tickets they have as quickly as possible, and a profit is a profit, but remember, for most seats, ticket price was $80 each, so $100 per ticket is probably reasonable.

The best advice I can give you, look for someone that doesn't have a handful, or a scalper, try to find the dude that has two extra because a friend couldn't make it or something, they usually just wanna get their money back.

Its going to be very hard to find em at $100 a piece tomorrow IMO. I say you are look at $125 for uppers, $175-$200 lowers.
My tried and true method is to go to the road beside the Student Union about two hours before game time and look for older people with tickets to sell. Generally, they are season ticket holders that have extra tickets due to health issues or something and just want to unload the extras. I've found great seats over the years to well attended games with minimal cost over face and met some really nice people along the way. Go Vols!!!
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Me, my sister, and my pops payed $700 dollars for 3 tickets to the gator game 2 years ago. We will never scalp again.
Are you just wanting to buy tickets, or participate in the scalping?

Cheapest way to buy: get to Cumberland around 8:30 with a sign ghat says need tickets and work you're way towards stadium. There will be others with those signs or they'll just be holding tickets up. DO NOT BUY from the first few. All you're doing is shopping the price and finding who has tickets in a section you're willing, maybe, to buy when he comes down.

Always haggle. Ask their
price and offer 2/3 of that. They'll either snort and walk away or not. If not, ask them what they WILL sell for.

Or, get there early, hang near Gate 21 and locate as many scalpers as you can. Depending on demand, their prices 'may' come down. Find one with lots of tickets and keep your eye on him. See what he's got but do not buy. He'll remember you and that you didn't pay his first price. Just before kickoff when he's almost sold out they've already made their money and don't want to lose all on remaining tickets. There are a few others left with tickets giving him competition, try him again and the others in succession. One will meet your price. I had one guy double his price on me when he saw he was the only one left where we were right in front of the stadium and I didn't want to go back down to the student union and deal with Mr. Greencoat.
Anybody remember him?
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If you don't want to actually BE SCALPED, wait until the game starts. I know it sucks but a couple minutes into the game you can usually cut a MUCH better deal!

Just saying. :eek:k:

Look for the ones that have misspelled team names and the incorrect dates on them.
I've actually had some pretty good luck scalping by waiting till right before it starts and also have a set price with your cash in hand. Example: I need 2 tickets, Scalper says "$150" and you pull out $120 and say all I have is $120 cash....them seeing the cash and it being so close to start time will get you a lower price.
You need a girl with you. Ticket price is inversely correlated with cup size.

^^^This :)

Like others have said, start on Cumberland and work your way toward stadium. More than likely you won't buy from the first guy you ask, you may ask 20 people before you buy. Have exact cash you are wanting to pay and a lot of times they will accept. When I used to buy from scalpers I almost never paid ticket price or over, but you can't expect that for this game. You will pay over ticket price, you just have to have a reasonable amount in mind whether it be $100 a ticket or $120 I don't know.
If the game is sold out (2012 Florida and 2014 Florida for example) it's an uphill battle. Law of supply and demand, there were so many people looking for tickets and not many selling tickets.

If the game is not sold out you can scalp tickets for very cheap with relative ease.
Define what you think is a "reasonable price?"

Tickets will not be cheap tomorrow and if you wait close to kickoff, you may not be able to get in.

I know there's conflicting info here, but for me, I'd settle on a price (say $125 a ticket) and get it as soon as possible - If you wait trying to find a deal, you could get screwed.

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