Schaeffer still needs a couple of classes



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Looks like he still has some work to do in order to see the field as Orgeron's starting qb.

They are pinning a lot of hopes on BS. I hope they aren't disappointed. Who is their projected #2 guy?
Doesn't surprise me and quite honestly he won't be all that even if he does play.
(Volunteer @ Jun 28 said:
Doesn't surprise me and quite honestly he won't be all that even if he does play.
I think he can help Ole Miss if he can get on the field. He was exciting to watch when he was here. I don't know how durable he can be though. He is small and i don't know if he can take the pounding of tucking it and running very often.
Schaeffer reminds me a lot of D. Craig who played for Auburn. You think he's going to scramble and go for big yardage, but he never seems to break the big run.
(vol_freak @ Jun 28 said:
I think he can help Ole Miss if he can get on the field. He was exciting to watch when he was here. I don't know how durable he can be though. He is small and i don't know if he can take the pounding of tucking it and running very often.
I would have to say that he better "beef up" to compete in the SEC or he will get broken again like at SC. That hit was right in front of me and I was at feild level. I thought he was dead, really. Good luck to him either way. I have no ill feelings toward him.
I have no ill will for him either. I hope he gets to play. He seems to be a pretty good guy and I know he is one whale of an athlet. I think he could help Ole Miss and I think he is a really good passer. The kid can chunk the ball fairly accurate his legs are good enough to make the D respect him. I'm sure he is smart enough (or has enough experience now) now to know when to throw it away and or slide.
I hope he has a good career until or if he plays us.
oh and volunteer....i think i hear your wife calling!!!!!! lololol

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