SCOTUS to Take Gerrymandering Case


MT LeConte

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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The Supreme Court is going to take up the case in Wisconsin challenging how Congressional Districts are drawn up.

I just can't see where the way it's done now is unconstitutional. Just my opinion.

I know there is a Supreme Court thread but it's only been posted to once in the last year.

So what are your thoughts on gerrymandering for racial "equality" or any other type of social discord? I agree that drawing district lines to favor any political party is wrong, but it goes further than that. What do you do if you draw reasonably geometric districts on a map and then start hearing that it favors one type of grouping over another?
So what are your thoughts on gerrymandering for racial "equality" or any other type of social discord? I agree that drawing district lines to favor any political party is wrong, but it goes further than that. What do you do if you draw reasonably geometric districts on a map and then start hearing that it favors one type of grouping over another?

now now, your questioning could get MT in a bind of being consistent.
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So what are your thoughts on gerrymandering for racial "equality" or any other type of social discord? I agree that drawing district lines to favor any political party is wrong, but it goes further than that. What do you do if you draw reasonably geometric districts on a map and then start hearing that it favors one type of grouping over another?

Gerrymandering is catamount to Congressmen choosing their voters rather than voters choosing their Congressmen. I think it is basically unfair. Both sides do it. Right now the Rs have the upper hand. While I hate it and "screech", yes screech about it. I just don't see where the constitution allows it or forbids it. If anyone has any reason to think it is not constitutional I"m ready to listen.

It'll eventually swing the other way then the Rs can "screech" about it.
Why is it only a problem when R's have the upper hand? I never heard any screeching when the D's were determining the districts in their favor.

BTW, I strongly dislike gerrymandering but it's been done for years.
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