Screen pass?



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
I just watched the video highlights on and have a question. How many of you are tired of seeing the screen pass? It seems like that is a favorite for us and other teams line up and go crazy for it. I know when it works it can be a big play however it seems to cost us yards many times. I sure hope we go down field more this year.

I'm not really tired of seeing it, cause I think it's a really easy play to execute that is really safe (except against Ole Miss last year) and effective if you get blockers in front. It also slows down the pass rush.

A lot of the quick screen plays nowadays like the bubble screen is just like a running play; almost like a sweep except with your WR running.

We did entirely too much of it in 2000, I agree with you there. I don't think we did it too much last season, however. With the speed we have at WR this year, I'd love to see more 7 yard passes turn into 70 yard TDs.

What I do HATE, however, is our notorious "quick game," which was absolutely the most over used play from 2001 - 2003. This was the little 5 yard out or curl that someone would run if the QB audibled to it at the line. I think this and the fade near the goalline were our most common audibles when Casey Clausen was at QB.
The screen can also set up those down the field plays much like the running game does... the DB sits up there expecting the screen, so he sticks to the line of scrimmage... instead the WR blazes past him for a deep pass. Sound strategy... Howver, I will grant you that going to the well too many times will bite you in the butt.
more play action. Peyton and Heath did this really well.

we really need to setup the big plays towards our receivers this year. take some of the pressure off of Riggs.
I think we run it a lot but not too much...It's going to cost you yards(some) but when it does work its a big play....With our speed at RB and WR it should work a lot this year....We have tons of playmakers...I just hope Sanders don't run plays like that all year.
just think-hannon catching the screen. he might not be able to get off the line, but when he catches a pass like that and has a couple blocks, he'll be gone for 6 in a hurry.
I like the way Spurrier ran the screen play on us a few years ago. You basically fake a screen pass to one side and throw across the field to the other running back that everyone forgot about. lol.

Thats the way to run a screen pass. I liked to see UT incorporate that type of play.

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