Scrimmage open to the public?


TN Vol 0320

Senior Member
Oct 2, 2005
Does anyone know if the stadium is open during the scrimmages, and if so, where to get in at? Thanks!
Well worth a shot for me I guess, considering I live on campus so its just a short walk. What time is the scrimmage?
At one gate, they always check, but there are others. No one asks you who you are if youre in the seating section.
I never knew anyone could watch the scrimages. Thats pretty cool. For those who have been what is it like as far as: how they run it, how involved the coaches are, are there segments?
I'll be home, if Freak or someone wants to call me with updates, I'll post them for everyone.

Just let me know if anyone wants my number.
I heard ex coach Doug Matthews on the radio today, and he said you can just walk on in. They wont try and stop you. He said about 3 gates would be open. Worth a shot, right??
it was that way on the 1st scrimmage but you had to be on the list tonite as only one gate was open. More were open last week becuase of construction

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