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Mar 1, 2005
I see this board has gotten a taste of Westside Dawg......closet UGA fan....all his post seem to have a UGA tint! Waasup Westie!!!! :bash: He doesn't like the fact that I use my son as a sig in my post...
Originally posted by orangeblur@Mar 2, 2005 8:03 AM
:bash: He doesn't like the fact that I use my son as a sig in my post...

That's ridiculous.....He's your son and I'd be proud of him too :good:
i think it is awesome screw what he says if he dont like he doesnt have to get on here no more does he!!!!!
What's up my man blur ! Have not heard from you in a while. I hope all is well. Hey you remember the poster who wrote you and said "That baby is so ugly the doctor slapped his momma when he was born." Well I have not seen him on the other board since ya'll got into it. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Some people are just like that.

Glad to have you on board. There are some great posters over here and I think you are going to really enjoy it.
Boy, I tell ya what. You come on here making up all this UGA stuff and forgetting stuff like the guy who posted that a few weeks back. You must be trying to make me think you have turned heel.

I'm talking about the blur man now, the women's pet and the men's regret.
Hey Orangeblur, its orangewizard10 over on Volchat/Volnavyman on Volquest. How you doing man? LOL....this WestsideVol says hes not the same guy from Volchat, even though its very obvious to all of us that experienced him on Volchat that they are indeed one in the same. I called him out on who he was and he starting denying it and starting making up stuff about me saying that I was constantly causing trouble on Volchat and that I almost got banned...LOL. But, I have learned to completely ignore him and not even respond. Thats about all you can do with his type. Anyway, good to have you over here. :bow:
westsidevol, why don't you try posting something positive. Haven't seen you do that very much. Also why don't you too simmer down, take it from me, you don't want to flame on this board, you lose alot of respect. Just calm it down and talk about our vols.
Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 2, 2005 6:50 PM
the women's pet and the men's regret.


I give it to you...your a funny guy!!!

can I add a line? :rocks:

Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 2, 2005 6:09 PM
westsidevol, why don't you try posting something positive. Haven't seen you do that very much. Also why don't you too simmer down, take it from me, you don't want to flame on this board, you lose alot of respect. Just calm it down and talk about our vols.

Vols2345 who typed that for you???

You actually used punctuation!!!


2345. Check out my post on Buzz's replacement.

I agree with you though. There should be more talk about the Vols and less banter. The wizard guy was always stirring the pot on another board and unfortunately he has brought that act over here.

Sir, I'm not gonna argue with you, but I do ask that you stop lying about me. Thats all I ask. Have a little integrity.
LIO, I'm a changed man when it comes to typing on this board. To the rest of yall, Maybe Westie moved over here to start a new way of posting, who knows. But If he is a fellow vol (which it looks like it is) we need to cut all of this nonsense. The past is the past. Can't we all just be friends?
I'll agree to "moving on", but I don't appreciate him lying about me. The ONLY person I have had a problem with is Westie. And thats because I, along with many others, felt his post were, well, extreme at times. I have agreed to no longer respond to his posts regardless of how I feel about them, but I will not accept him completely making up lies about me. Orangeblur was also a member of "that other website" and you see what he had to say about Westie, the same exact things I had been saying. Just like he did with me, he was quick to "spin" Orangeblur's post by saying that he had heard about blur and how he was one of the craziest posters on the internet.
hey I'm with you all the way 2345. We have a SEC championship season to talk up, plus spring practice is on the way. Plenty of Vol things to talk about !

Don't pay any attention to wizard. The guy writes a paragraph ripping me and then in the last sentence he says he is ignoring me. Man, you can't make up stuff as funny as that.
LOL....I agree, lets talk about spring practice and the upcoming season. You have your faults and I have mine. I say we move on. Agree?
So, some one start a spring football post and we will talk about it.

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