
Personally, the conveyor belt thing had me hooked.

I was doomed to be an engineer from the start thanks to my mother's shopping preferences. Sigh
One of the last things I remember buying or dad buying me was HP48GX calculator in the electronics department and even it had to come down the conveyor at the front of the store.
Great. Another season of watching his mother try to grab attention by playing make believe basketball in the stands with a basketball purse. Can't wait 🙄☠️
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One of the last things I remember buying or dad buying me was HP48GX calculator in the electronics department and even it had to come down the conveyor at the front of the store.

Was that the big $300 monster that graphed everything?

I became much closer to mine than I really care to mention in school. Thing was my constant companion for like a decade

We have come a long way with computing devices in 35 years, but for some reason I kind of miss those days.
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