Season Tickets Arrived



Go Vols
Jul 20, 2011
UPS just drop off my season tickets, I am excited about getting this year started and putting the 2012 is the rear view mirror. I believe we will have a team that knows what EFFORT is all about. And that is one thing that I cheer for because beyond that its any ones game in College football.

On a side note my wife wasn't too excited when I ask if we could drive back from vacation in Hilton Head a day early for the 1st game....I don't think the look I got was a yes :eek:hmy:, she said she didn't want to make the drive then sit at the game for 4 hours...and of course I replied with, so you want me to go to the game by myself? :acute: I got this look back :nono:

So I guess I will be watching the game in Hilton Head...Things we do for our women...:)

My friends will enjoy the game instead.

Of course Mods if you want to merge :good!:
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She doesn't "get it". My wife did the same last year but we came back a day early cause she "gets it". She knows come fall I/we will be at Neyland or in front of a tv on away games every Saturday. You are going to have to set some rules if your going to survive. By the way we will be in Hilton head in between Oregon and FL love that place beats any beach in FL.
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Well; We have a busy week planned since we are hitting Bristol night race before heading to HH, and wont arrive until Sunday she really wants to get the full week "almost full week" at the beach. Since we are meeting another couple in HH she really didn't want to leave early, but if I really pressured her she would come home early. We've had season tickets for a while now and she usually goes to most of the games until it gets cold, she usually is right there by my side so I will wait and go to the 2nd game.
One week of my 2 week honeymoon was in New Orleans culminating with the Sugar Bowl win over Miami. It was my wife's idea, she got it then, she gets it now. Waiting on season tickets for 2013 to arrive. GBO.
Why did you plan the trip near season starting in the first place? Vacations are for June and July :)
Why did you plan the trip near season starting in the first place? Vacations are for June and July :)

Since we are going to Bristol for the night race, it pushed the date to arrive at Hilton head to Sunday instead of typical Saturday for the 7 day vacation, which would have put us leaving sat morning that would have been perfect to arrive at the game saturday.

We typically boat all summer long then head to the beach at the end of the year...but the rain has put a big damper on that this year, so a full week at the beach is warranted.

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