Seats for the Utah St game (kids)



Active Member
Mar 4, 2009
I am taking my fiances 2 kids (9-his bday,7) and my dad (fathers day)to the utah state game. I would like to find lower level seats to make this the best day plus easier for them to see. I have been looking on craigslist and i have found some seats,in section c, row 5. Would this be to close for the kids to sit to be able to see the entire field good and players good. If not, where would you recommend in the lower level. This will be their first time. Still not sure if I want to pay the amount asking for the seats. If anyone can recommend a different section or a place to get them at a good price, please let me know
Theres not a bad seat in Neyland, I hope you guys have a good time.
Those. Are great seats. Are on visitors side. Great view. Day game would be too sunny. Utah state at night
I am taking my fiances 2 kids (9-his bday,7) and my dad (fathers day)to the utah state game. I would like to find lower level seats to make this the best day plus easier for them to see. I have been looking on craigslist and i have found some seats,in section c, row 5. Would this be to close for the kids to sit to be able to see the entire field good and players good. If not, where would you recommend in the lower level. This will be their first time. Still not sure if I want to pay the amount asking for the seats. If anyone can recommend a different section or a place to get them at a good price, please let me know

I set at the 45 yard line about 8 rows back from the field. I cant remember the actually section but we were right behind the bench and the tunnel to the concession stand was immediately to my left. Ended up chatting with the Usher a lot.

I would call this area the old fart don't make any sounds sections.

I was constantly clapping yelling and getting up and these people almost looked offended.

If your child is shorter than 50 inches they may have a hard time seeing unless they stand and honestly the people behind will probably not stand up but just shoot you dirty looks.

I am taking my kids this year also and am going a little higher up in the stands where I think people are more fun and the kids will be able to stand up and enjoy the game.

Just my opinion.
Row 5 is low, some of the action will be blocked by the players and coaches on the sidelines, but, you will also be able to observe and hear ( be advised, college coaches and players curse, ALOT, so you will hear some things,) a lot of action right in front of you. Section C is great! It is midfield on the visitors sidelines but it will be all Vol fans there as the Utah State fans will be to your right as you face the field.
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Ehhh.. row 5 is too low for my liking. You really miss a lot when you sit that low. I personally like to be 25-30 rows up to get a good view of the entire field. But you can't lose really, just being in neyland is amazing.
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Can't say anything bad about Section C except if it's a day game (sun!!). Row 5? Too low IMO, especially for the kids. R-S-T-U-B-C-D sections are great but get above row 20. IMO.
Row 5 is a little too low for my tastes (meaning I wouldn't want to sit that low every game) but still will offer a noticeably better view than row 1 or 2 would. Section C should be a great spot.
To be totally honest, I have sat nearly everywhere in the stadium, and as a student now that includes the student section, the absolute best seats in the please are on the home sideline, 50 yard line, upper deck, row 1. No visibility issues, you can see everything, halftime show formations are visible, jumbotron is visible, the crowd is rowdy, they are just ace seats, if I were looking for tickets that would be my preference personally.
Those are great seats. It's a whole different experience when you sit that low, and close to the sideline. I think the kids would love it.
Thanks guys. I converted the 9 year old to a vols fan from alabama. All he talks his orange, and white now. He wants to go so bad to a game. I'm surprising him with a ticket for his birthday he just had on Aug 5, and this will also be the 7 years old first game. As far as father days, I wasn't sure what to get my dad, and I had lost my job at the time, that I just got him a picture of my 5 month old son, a collage. So, now that I am working again. I wanted to make up for it with taking him to the game also, a surprise. I would prefer to stay lower level, not upper level. I think I'm going to wait to find some seats a little higher than 5, maybe it will be cheaper as I really don't want to pay 500 dollars for 4 seats. As I just started back to work 3 weeks ago. Still recovering from being out of work for 4 1/2 months.
If money is an issue you can get uppers in the south endzone for $25 a piece from the University. Sitting up there really isn't as bad as most on here make it seem.

Kids should still have a great time and also keep you from breaking the bank.
Thanks, I want to keep the most to 400 or less preferably for all 4 tickets. Is that possible for sideline view lower level around 10 to 40th row. I really want to make this the kids and my dad's best experience ever.
I prefer the lower section when you have little kids, unless you sit in the chairback sections. (I think that is ZZ, etc) Watch out for Craigslist, with section C tickets at a too good to believe price. They are still selling some at UTTIX, but not lower level. There are some good seats at Stubhub that are lower level.
What do I need to look for on craigslist. Especially with c section. What should i pay for this section
I've actually never bought anything from Craigslist and I would hope most people are honest, but I prefer to have guarantees that the tickets will be legit and in my hands. That is why I always go through UT TIX or Stubhub.
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What do I need to look for on craigslist. Especially with c section. What should i pay for this section

Check the prices on stubhub, that will give you an idea of what the tickets are going for. Then you can try to beat that price on craigslist. Most of the listings on craigslist are legit, but if the price is too good to be true (remember your stubhub research), then it probably is. If you get any kind of sketchy vibe with the deal you should move on to the next.

I agree with what an earlier poster wrote - 50 yard line, upper deck, row one, either side - best seats in the house. However, there really isn't a bad seat and the $25 seats available right now from UTtix in GG and QQ are great if you are on a budget. I sat there last year for the WKU and Auburn games and I got them again this year for the Utah State and Mizzou games.

Good luck! I hope you get great seats that you are happy with. See you there!
With kids...section G is a winner if you're sitting low. Near the band, cheerleaders, Smokey...the kids dig this. Sure, when they're on the other end of the field it kinda stinks, but when they're knocking on the south goal line it's like you're taking the snaps. It can get pretty rowdy there too.
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I wish the OP luck in finding tickets and I'm very pleased that three generations of your family are together for a great Tennessee game experience.

I did a quick glance at Stub Hub and there 4 tickets in Sec. B, Row 16 for 130.00 each. Those were the 'best' I could find at that price point. Finding 4 together is more difficult than finding 2 together.

For what you want to spend, sideline seats between the 20-30 yard line might be the best you can do. (Stub Hub also had 4 seats, on the 50 yd. line---Sec. C---Row 36 for 150.00 each)

Happy hunting and good luck! (Your little guy will remember this when he gets older; I'm 61 and my dad took me to my first game when I was 9 or 10 and I can still see images of it in my mind)
I've actually never bought anything from Craigslist and I would hope most people are honest, but I prefer to have guarantees that the tickets will be legit and in my hands. That is why I always go through UT TIX or Stubhub.

Was about to post the same thing. Stubhub takes all the issues out of the transaction; especially if you have the electronic delivery option available.
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Sounds like a fun day. See you there! Row 5 may be a bit low but I doubt a 7 & 9 year old would care. I've sat in the upper deck for over 30 years & love it. You can see the plays taking shape & developing. Really anywhere in Neyland Stadium is great. Those boys will have the time of their lives & remember it forever!
The seats you are looking for are generally high $$ donor contribution + ticket prices. Getting a bargain price is unlikely especially when you take into account that it is the 1st game of a new season. Your surrounding seat mates will probably be older, quieter. attentive & sober fans [ known on this site as old farts of which I am one]. Probably a better environment for an older father and kids.

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