Talked with Charter Cable today about adding the SEC Network.
No contract at this time, but says he expects it.
He put in channel request for me so it would be on record, and said the more people who make the channel request, the better.
If you subscribe to Charter, please call today and make this request. I emphasized the time was near and we needed time to change companies if Charter was not going to carry it.
Told him that in SEC Country, it was more important than all their other channels combined.
No contract at this time, but says he expects it.
He put in channel request for me so it would be on record, and said the more people who make the channel request, the better.
If you subscribe to Charter, please call today and make this request. I emphasized the time was near and we needed time to change companies if Charter was not going to carry it.
Told him that in SEC Country, it was more important than all their other channels combined.