Of course that sorry POS McCain is just posturing and creating talking points for the media, he is likely to be voted out of office in his next election, if so, good riddance.
I shudder to think who dear leader might nominate to replace Gates should he resign.
On the other hand I think Gates is a spineless, as far as I can tell, he has rubber stamped every last thing Barry has wanted.
McCain refused to comment on the Navy Seals now being prosecuted by a defense department directed by Gates with the typical McLame excuse for not commenting.
Here is a letter to Gates from Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, a Marine Corps Reservist and Iraq veteran and the best Republican presidential candidate in the last election.
In part:
Prosecuting individuals for such a limited act seems to us to be an overreaction by the command. As a result of the investigation, the three SEALs refused to accept non-judicial punishment, believing, according to one of the defense attorneys that they are innocent of the charges.
It appears from all accounts that these SEALs are exceptional sailors, demonstrated by the fact that each had recently been advanced in rank. They captured a terrorist who had planned an attack that not only killed Americans but also maimed and mutilated their bodies.
We believe that prosecution of these sailors for such an apparently limited action will have a negative impact on others in the military who risk their lives in dangerous, often ambiguous situation. Again, we strongly believe that these court-martial proceedings are not warranted and would urge that you review this matter.
If Gates has the gonads to review the matter and drop all charges and publicly exonerate these exceptional men, then I may change my mind about Gates.
After all, serious charges are being brought about by the man who ordered and directed this:
against three of our finest, bravest young men who risked their lives to bring the sorry bastard to justice.
They displayed great discipline by not shooting him down like the rabid dog he is to begin with.
Every jihadist training camp has classes in telling lies and making false accusations if and/or when they may be captured.
Semper Fi Duncan Hunter, would that we had many, many more representatives like you in Washington that actually represented the American people the way they deserve to be represented.