SEC position rankings: Special teams



Raised a Yank, Born a Vol
Mar 11, 2010
12. Tennessee: The Vols might have to rely on Michael Palardy to handle field goals, punts and kickoffs this fall. He hit 9 of 12 field goals last year, while Derrick Brodus hit 6-of-7. Only Palardy attempted a kick more than 40 yards last year and missed it. There will be competition at kicker, but Palardy should have the punter spot after averaging 43.1 yards per kick, pinning 16 inside the 20 and blasting 13 50-plus yards. With Cordarrelle Patterson gone, Devrin Young should take over kickoff and punt return duties. He was Tennessee's top punt returner last year.

SEC position rankings: Special teams - SEC Blog - ESPN
I'm surprised we weren't last

I'm not. For all the Dooley hate, he kept pecking away at this issue which has been around since the late Fulmer years and Kiffin's only year. Devrin Young was brought in originally because he could field kickoffs and punts. And actually move the ball forward. With Patterson we got better at run backs. Palardy, Darr, and Brodus were inconsistent but marginally adequate. Overall we weren't all that good but a darn sight better than what we had been a few years before.

Commentary: The UT wasn't the only with fielding issues. It's my unresearched but casual observation belief that lifestyle is the cause. Kids eat far more junk than my generation with no dictatorial mom demanding they eat their vegetables and get their rear ends outside to run around and play. Too few dads spend time tossing balls back and forth with their kids. Result is that neural development vital to hand-eye coordination as well as activities that promote the same is lacking. I expect to see more cases where this becomes increasingly obvious over the years if current eating habits and lack of outdoor activity continues.
I'm not gonna worry about our low rating in a lot of areas. Bad coaching had a lot to do with that and I think we'll see a lot of improvement in all areas in this years team. If the offense can get us enough points we could win 8 games this season.
I think CBJ has done wonders for preparing Palardy for adverse situations and building his confidence back up. I especially like the noise and "water-boarding" treatments to give him confidence in adverse situations.

Not sure that I want him to be the punter too. Although we won't need a punter this year! I hope a great punter emerges as well as the next Mr Perfect PK.

We really need good return teams and kick coverage. We need to take advantages of opportunities and deny the enemy. With our tough schedule we need to win the special teams game.
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I think CBJ has done wonders for preparing Palardy for adverse situations and building his confidence back up. I especially like the noise and "water-boarding" treatments to give him confidence in adverse situations.

Not sure that I want him to be the punter too. Although we won't need a punter this year! I hope a great punter emerges as well as the next Mr Perfect PK.

We really need good return teams and kick coverage. We need to take advantages of opportunities and deny the enemy. With our tough schedule we need to win the special teams game.

I was a loyal DD supporter and still wish him no ill will.
Yet believe the evidence now shows our players didn't get quality coaching. This includes the kickers who if memory serves were said to be working out on their own. CBJ in contrast has them being coached, learning to perform despite distractions of all kinds. So I think the past should be forgotten until we see if this better coaching has generated results. We will know soon enough. Until then, I see no need to damn the kickers.

Further, I think we have some kickers who have walked on (one left) who see our need and think they are the answer. I honestly think whoever is booting the balls this season, we will not see the comedy of errors we're accustomed to these past few years.

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin',
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues,
Gettin' our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it's you and me baby,
There ain't nothin wrong with that.

Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.

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