Ehh, two and a half minutes too long. They sometimes like to throw all the schools in to "kitchen sink" the humor when they don't have something good. Just have everyone make an appearance to keep people happy I guess. Really, just doing this bit with A&M, Alabama, and Georgia would have been enough. And less words.
Like, rather than all that talking, just make it quick and snappy. Have A&M say something like "remember when you said it's okay to spend on myself" and "what if I want to do it again?" Alabama should have just been saying "she was so scary, I didn't know what to do, she was so big and so ... ORANGE." Granted, they'd never do that though. Too corporate for that. Maybe have Alabama just sitting there mid-sentence saying "I mean, seriously, the Outback Bowl? What is that? Is that even a real bowl? Out. Back. Bowl. That sounds fake. Who names their bowl after a restaurant?" "It's real alright." "Seriously? 'cause I've never heard of it. Out. Back. Bowl. Definitely sounds fake." "It's a famous bowl game." "Pfft, yeah right, I'm sure it's up there with the Cheez-Its Bowl or the Chik-Fil-A Bowl, ha ha ha." "Those are also bowl games." "GET. OUT."
And UGA can do it's "I feel like no one pays attention to me" and talks obliviously while Tennessee guy slips in, takes the therapist by the hand, and they sneak out the door - and the UGA talks for a few more seconds, realizes he's alone in the room, and "THIS. THIS is what I'm talking about! THIS!"