SEC Sunday



Rufus X. Sarsaparilli
Dec 11, 2009
Florida 8 - Alabama 10 (UF wins series 2-1)
Arkansas 7 - Mississippi 0 (Ark 2-1)
Vanderbilt 4 -LSU 3 (Vandy 2-1)
South Carolina 3- Kentucky 9 (UK 2-1)
Tennessee 14- Georgia 11 (UT 3-0)
Miss St.8 - Auburn 11 (AU 3-0)

So, Tennessee keeps 8th place by 1 game over Alabama

As I thought last week. Tennessee needs to likely win 3 of the last 6 to likely get in at 8th

Georgia is officially eliminated and Miss. State is all but eliminated.1 more loss or Vol win will eliminate them

It is mathematically possible for TENN to get to #7 (or even 6h) but LSU has a 1 game lead and the tiebreaker

AR.......16-8.....1.0.........(SC, @VU) (has tiebreaker on OM)
OM......15-9.....2.0.........(@AL, AU)
AU.......15-9.....2.0........(TN, @OM) (has tiebreaker over LSU)
VU.......12-10...4.0.........(@MS, AR) (has tiebreaker on AU and LSU)
LS.......12-12....5.0........(@UK, MS) (has tiebreaker against Tenn & Ala)
(has tiebreaker over Vandy and Ken)
AL.......10-14....7.0........(OM, @TN)
UK.......9-15.....8.0.........(LS,@GA) (has tiebreaker over Ala)
MS......5-19.....12.0........(VU, @LS)

Tennessee needs one win next weekend. Anything above this would be gravy. Auburn is likely the hottest team in SEC now and they usually own the Vols even if they're terrible.

The Vols need to have a one game lead over Alabama going into the final weekend or the pressure will be immense. Tennessee CANNOT be down 2 games going into the final weekend. That would require a sweep to get 8th.

Edit...looking at tiebreakers, Alabama (thus far) holds no tiebreaking advantage over any nearby teams. They did beat Vandy 2/3 but Vandy leads by 3 games.
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It would have been nice if Florida could have taken care of business today. However, Bama does get Ole Miss next weekend, so it's not as if they get UGA.

My prediction is UT/Bama tied going into the final series. Winner take all.
UK worries me. They host a struggling LSU team next weekend and finish at UGA. UK could win 5 and get to 14 wins at minimum. Means Vols must at least win 3 and really need 4 to assure themselves of berth in HOover. We cannot get swept at Auburn.
I think 15 is the magic number. Anything less and who knows.

The big "rebound" 9th today was really big.
We've got the tiebreaker over UK though....I see us HOPEFULLY winning a game next weekend at Auburn.....more than likely Bama loses 2/3 to Ole Miss....meaning if we don't get swept we have a 1 game lead over them going into the series
love to see OLe Miss and LSU win those series while the Vols take 2 of 3 at Auburn. Would almost assure us a trip to Hoover.
After how bad we played early in the SEC, we've seemed to turn it on as of late. Hopefully the team can keep it up. I still despise Raleigh as our coach
I've looked back over the schedule this year and there are only four games I see that really bug me that we lost.

Eastern KY
Kennesaw State
1 of the two to Mississippi State

There's a few others I think we could have won, but alas. That would have us at 31-17 and I think everyone would have a different feeling about this team overall.
TigerVol....I agree....the EKU game we had 2 outs in the 9th and were up 2 and blew it....and both Binghamton and Kennesaw State were tied in the 8th inning...had just 2 of those games gone our way the team would be 29-19 with a higher RPI....doesn't matter though
Batting average .300...we have a solid middle of the order with Polk, Hawn, and Forsythe....our best pitcher is Stephen McCray...he'll pitch on Friday...he's got a 2.70 ERA and has been great this year....our Saturday pitcher Steven Gruver has done pretty well the past 2 weeks with a 3-0 record and 3.00 ERA

To be honest with you I'll be happy to win ONE game this weekend....Auburn's team looks incredible from looking at their stats....Vols can't get swept and hope to make Hoover
Tks for the info. Appreciate it. Vol fans enjoy your stay in Auburn this wkend. Have a safe trip. Go Tigers

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