I hope it is Newton due to the fact that he would give us an option that Stephens and Bray do not. He has a cannon of an arm, and he is very mobile. Simms would be a huge disappointment. If he couldn't cut it at Louisville then how will he cut it in the SEC. I am a bit biased after seeing his brother get preferential treatment over Major Applewhite, who outplayed him every chance he got. I just don't see any upside with Simms.
Every picture I have seen him in on a social networking site seems to be a party picture. I think Newton's problems were overblown at Florida, the laptop issue isn't one. I would like to see Scroggins or even Brunetti. Quite frankly as long as it is not Simms I don't care who it is, I'll even take the kid from middle Tennessee that has a huge supporter on here, Wallace I believe is his name.