State your case or shut up. It's posts like these that stir up others to post similar things about undeserving targets.
She's tall, that's all. Her voice is low pitched. Otherwise, her physical characteristics are not masculine. Not muscular, not particularly strong, narrow shoulders, delicate build. She can hardly dunk the ball and opponents have been able to push her around quite easily... but something is going on in that girl hormonally that gives her the physical and physiological characteristics of a very big man. When you can make all other women's bball players look like girly girls, something is off.
She's tall, that's all. Her voice is low pitched. Otherwise, her physical characteristics are not masculine. Not muscular, not particularly strong, narrow shoulders, delicate build. She can hardly dunk the ball and opponents have been able to push her around quite easily.
It's ok to dislike her because we can't beat your team, but to imply they only win because she's a man is just downright disrespectful and so wrong on many levels.
She's tall, that's all. Her voice is low pitched. Otherwise, her physical characteristics are not masculine. Not muscular, not particularly strong, narrow shoulders, delicate build. She can hardly dunk the ball and opponents have been able to push her around quite easily.
It's ok to dislike her because we can't beat your team, but to imply they only win because she's a man is just downright disrespectful and so wrong on many levels.