Seeds from China

Has anyone figured out what they were? Cant imagine there isnt someone who knows.
I'm sure it's because I'm unfamiliar with this scam, but this sentence from the USDA's link is interesting:
At this time, we don’t have any evidence indicating this is something other than a “brushing scam” where people receive unsolicited items from a seller who then posts false customer reviews to boost sales.
Why would they need to actually send the seeds to someone to post a fake review?
I'm sure it's because I'm unfamiliar with this scam, but this sentence from the USDA's link is interesting:

Why would they need to actually send the seeds to someone to post a fake review?
Some might require it to be a verified buyer. If selling thru Amazon but not using FBA you also have to submit a valid tracking # within a certain time period or your seller account will get seriously dinged.
Don't understand. I know the packages are real, I'm just not certain about the authenticity of the people Vice allegedly interviewed.

"About a month ago, I did receive seeds from China. I guess China because it looks like Chinese writing. I thought, 'Oh cool, maybe Burgess seeds or one of the seed companies sent me some seeds.' And, umm, like a dumbass, I planted them, not knowing there was a problem," a woman in New Mexico said in a voicemail left with the state's department of agriculture in late July. "And now, I've been battling this for a couple weeks. Now, where I planted them, and I remember where I planted them, everything that's in the garden where I planted them are having a hard time and are starting to die … I really don't know what to do at this point, so could somebody call me back and give me a little bit of direction about this? I know I'm a dumbass."
That seems like a contrived testimony from an anonymous woman in New Mexico... painting the picture that we have a bunch of ignorant Muricans just willy nilly planting random seeds when even after this pandemic, you couldn't get the average person to begin to start a garden or hell... even grow their own pot. But now I'm supposed to believe that we e got a bunch of people that spent a king's ransom at Lowe's and Home Depot during the lockdowns are now throwing random seeds in their yards?

Not buying it.
Don't understand. I know the packages are real, I'm just not certain about the authenticity of the people Vice allegedly interviewed.

"About a month ago, I did receive seeds from China. I guess China because it looks like Chinese writing. I thought, 'Oh cool, maybe Burgess seeds or one of the seed companies sent me some seeds.' And, umm, like a dumbass, I planted them, not knowing there was a problem," a woman in New Mexico said in a voicemail left with the state's department of agriculture in late July. "And now, I've been battling this for a couple weeks. Now, where I planted them, and I remember where I planted them, everything that's in the garden where I planted them are having a hard time and are starting to die … I really don't know what to do at this point, so could somebody call me back and give me a little bit of direction about this? I know I'm a dumbass."
My guess is the seeds have a virus or bacteria that kills off other plants. An old school landscaper I know told me that the Soviet Union developed applications like these that could wipe out crops in the US. They did this during the Cold War. I saw a news report yesterday that China’s military leaders are itching for a war with the US and that it will come sooner rather than later. I wouldn’t put anything past them at this point.
My guess is the seeds have a virus or bacteria that kills off other plants. An old school landscaper I know told me that the Soviet Union developed applications like these that could wipe out crops in the US. They did this during the Cold War. I saw a news report yesterday that China’s military leaders are itching for a war with the US and that it will come sooner rather than later. I wouldn’t put anything past them at this point.
And you still missed what I'm saying. I am aware of the threat posed by the seeds, I just don't trust Vice News reporting on the matter.
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Anybody who planted them obviously never saw that old movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". The one about the pods.
Thought this could go in this thread as I didn't want to start a new one....

Living on a family farm. This has come up for discussion for several years now as it's been talked about in the farming community for a while now. It's good that more people are recognizing how dangerous this is, if it goes unchecked.

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Thought this could go in this thread as I didn't want to start a new one....

Living on a family farm. This has come up for discussion for several years now as it's been talked about in the farming community for a while now. It's good that more people are recognizing how dangerous this is, if it goes unchecked.

It is a massive national security issue, but nothing will change. Our elected “leaders” have sold us out and many on both sides of the aisle are traitors to this country that should spend the rest of their lives in jail.
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It’s not only farmland, the Chinese have and are buying up huge tracts of standing timber.

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