Regarding unemployment, I realize many people struggle and there are many educated people out there, new grads, over qualified individuals, etc. that can't find a job, for various reasons.
On the other hand:
-I also was at Subway the other day when a lady walked in asking about a job. The manager said they have an opening for the morning/breakfast position. When told she would have to be there early, the lady "looking" for a job said that it was too early, then walked out.
-Personally, I am having to drive down to PCB/Tallahassee sunday to take a job away from someone who didn't do squat for a month, yet guaranteed me they were good to go a few weeks back. I invested time and a lot of $ to get them started, and am having to start over. My sis works for me in Memphis, has no experience in this field, hasn't worked for 20 yrs, and is doing really well because she is busting her butt.
I see a lot of laziness and a lack of common sense when I get calls, interview people or just watch other people as they are "looking" for a job. If you want to work and can present yourself well, you can find work. I firmly believe it.