Yes and Tennessee should fire Butch and hire Mullen on the spot. One of the better coaches that could be paired with JG for the next 3-4 years. Guys develops QB's with the best of them.
If the MSU AD was dumb enough to fire Mullen, he would be getting calls from all around the country for HC jobs. He wouldn't be looking at OC positions.
1 year removed from one of, if not the best, seasons Miss St. has ever had, I would be hard pressed to support his firing. The guy has done pretty well considering how difficult a job it is.
1 year removed from one of, if not the best, seasons Miss St. has ever had, I would be hard pressed to support his firing. The guy has done pretty well considering how difficult a job it is.
no. they would be insane in the membrane to do that. getting them to a bowl game on a regular basis is considered successful. what he has done is incredible.