Should I wait?



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
So far I am 1-1 on betting on the vols. We covered the WKU game but didn't against AP. However, I'm up +55 since I laid more on the WKU game. (I never lay more than $100 if we are favored more than 40), just to many variables.

I'm tempted to grab the 27 points but would feel even better if it could go to 28.5. I'm surprised it has jumped 7 points in a day, that's absurd. Think I'll wait till Thursday and take the easy money from Vegas.
Don't worry, I will bet on OR to win thus guaranteeing the VOL victory! ;)

Try putting your money each month into diversified no-load mutual funds and eventually you'll have enough to buy either season tickets or a humongous flat-screen to watch the games on...:loco:
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Ill help everyone out. With my track record of bets, ill bet my friends that Oregon will win and if not ill stand on the side of the street in a duck suit with a sign that says I thought Oregon would win. Easy win for my vols once the handshake happens.
Try putting your money each month into diversified no-load mutual funds and eventually you'll have enough to buy either season tickets or a humongous flat-screen to watch the games on...:loco:

Already have the flat screen and you can now buy season tickets without a donation which is actually sad.

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