Good article on the state of Arkansas Football in SI - Writers - The Razor's edge (cont.) - Thursday February 22, 2007 6:10PM - Writers - The Razor's edge (cont.) - Thursday February 22, 2007 6:10PM
They fire Nutt and they'll beat as relevant in the SEC as Vandy for a decade. Nutt IMO is underatted.From the aforemetioned article:
Rumors flew this week that a group of Arkansas boosters was trying to buy Nutt out of the remainder of his contract. One group of fans took out a $5,000 ad in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette last month demanding he step down. Others held a mini-protest on campus. A visit to the popular message board on this week turned up such subject lines as "If Nutt Were Fired Today," "Possible Replacements for Nutt," "Another Victim of Nutt's Lies" and "If Nutt Stays Here Long Term, will Vanderbilt Become Our Rival?"