si is revealing its college football stuff.

Nice comment (discussing the difference in using these "revolutionary" spread and West Coast offensive styles at no-name colleges versus at those in the National spotlight): "If you try something like that at this level and it doesn't work, people are like, 'YOU are an IDIOT.' Sometimes they'll want to fire somebody after one play. So the risk factor is much greater."

Didn't somebody say that was already purchased?
IMO that was actually a great article. It seemed pretty balanced, even if it did offer more questions than answers.

I found it interesting in the point that most of these "revolutionary" offenses are taking root in smaller schools that benefit from the schemes to overcome a lack of skilled players. I also found it refreshing that it poses the question of what will happen to these offenses in larger, skilled conference play week-to-week.

It sounds like even UM is asking the same question.
I thought it was interesting to call SS offense that he has been running successfully since '92 "Revolutionary".
I'm really looking forward to seeing whether the Urban Myth offense is going to work in the SEC. Looks like he's going to employ essentially the same offense at Florida he had at Utah last season...
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Aug 9, 2005 10:24 AM
I'm really looking forward to seeing whether the Urban Myth offense is going to work in the SEC.  Looks like he's going to employ essentially the same offense at Florida he had at Utah last season...

The exact same? I doubt it. He will probably take emphasis off the option and probably play more west coast and spread. Leak isn't an option QB and Meyer knows it, so I expect for him to work with the talent he's got.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 9, 2005 4:53 PM
The exact same? I doubt it. He will probably take emphasis off the option and probably play more west coast and spread. Leak isn't an option QB and Meyer knows it, so I expect for him to work with the talent he's got.

Meyer said at media days that their offense will be very run-heavy.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 9, 2005 5:42 PM
Does that imply Chris Leak will be doing the running?

I don't know. It was just a video clip I saw/heard. It just strikes me that he realized he will have to leave a lot of the schemes that got him here out of the book.
For now anyways. I think for now he will run a mishmash of styles to best utilize the talent he's working with.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 9, 2005 5:53 PM
For now anyways. I think for now he will run a mishmash of styles to best utilize the talent he's working with.

He was also quoted today as "we have a long way to go and a short time to get there."

For whatever that's worth...
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 9, 2005 6:07 PM
That's just standard media fluff.

I beg to differ. CPF has been out openly praising our defense's improvements, our offensive play, hopes for improved special teams. UM has not so much as professed guarded optomism. His (almost?) every statement has been easily perceivable as to lower UF expectations.

Go back to his statements at his other 4 years of coaching. He was openly calling to crush their opponents. So, the "wrongness" of your above statement is especially pertinent.

Originally posted by OrangeFrenzy@Aug 9, 2005 4:41 PM
Meyer said at media days that their offense will be very run-heavy.

He understands his passing attack will be dependant on the run. With our front 7, I hope it is run-heavy. The thing that wins or loses the game is our secondary. They play well and we win.
Originally posted by milohimself@Aug 9, 2005 7:29 PM
Our secondary will have to play like their lives depended on it.

Why? I was under the impression that coaches won and lost the games. :nener:

Our secondary will be fine.
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Aug 9, 2005 12:24 PM
I'm really looking forward to seeing whether the Urban Myth offense is going to work in the SEC.  Looks like he's going to employ essentially the same offense at Florida he had at Utah last season...

Last year I listened to the North Carolina-Utah game on radio. One of the Carolina colormen said that the average age of Utah's team was 23 years old. If that's true, sounds like maturity and physical development had as much to do with Utah's success as coaching. They sure crunched the Tarheels (who beat Miami and gave VA TECK a good run.) Pure speculation, of course. I just can't bring myself to wish him well, since he went to of all the great places to coach---FLARDY!. PS, I actually ate some 'gator meat at a restaurant recentlyand it tasted like sh--. Maybe blueticks can eat it, though.
Good read...basically this offense does what Spurrier did for yrs...spreads out the D, force some mismatches, and makes you defend the whole field. I, like the rest of you, am also interested in seeing if this will work in the SEC.

One more will not see Leak running the ball like Utah did..Meyer tailors the O to the personel, so it changes yearly...when Leak leaves and Dickey or Portis takes over you'll see more of the O with those dual threat QB's.

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