Not sure if serious.
Penn State is about the only one who I agree with that shouldn't be ahead of us because Paterno is gone.
Michigan is one of the top programs of all-time.
Notre Dame... one of the top programs of all-time. Not to mention, they have their own contract with NBC and are coming off a national title loss.
Oregon... Nike. They started winning and they have the CEO of Nike giving them whatever they want. Oregon is about attractive as Tennessee. Unless you add in a Nike sponsor who can offer you more. Not to mention, Oregon is lenient on weed. I don't know about the school, but the state is. If you're a player that tokes, the state of Oregon is an obvious choice over the state of Tennessee.
Notre Dame and Oregon today top Tennessee and Michigan for me. And Tennessee and Michigan top Penn State. Notre Dame will always be a top notch brand. Oregon, they're new age. They're selling what kids want and believe it or not, sit between the state of California and city of Seattle. That's on top of Portland. If Memphis is one of your attractions as a state, you're not attracting much. Then you're surrounded by garbage states like Kentucky, Alabama, Louisiana, North Carolina... they offer little.
Tennessee is great for players who are all about the sport and being a college student on campus. It's not some big great place for weather, beaches, cities etc. Wasn't it Markeith Ambles who banged a coach's wife and then showed up to USC in a limo? That's a Georgia kid. And yeah, there are many kids like that. They want to live the life(beaches/weather/partying), wear the colors(oregon) and Tennessee doesn't offer a lot of that. If your top draw is beer bonging from the roof... it's easy to see why Oregon with Nike and Notre Dame with NBC are easier to recruit to. "Come to Tennessee... we're bored, the only fun is getting messed up. It's why we buttchug. Get f'ed up brah!". I'm not saying there is anything wrong with wanting to get as messed up as possible in college but if that's one of the best things you can offer for fun, you can get that at any school. Tennessee offers so much when it comes to athletic facilities but nightlife and weather/location? Not all that great.